Page 7 of Trusting The Biker

“Are you sure it’s not too revealing?” I tug at the edges of the top where my cleavage is exposed by the deep V cut.

“You’re gorgeous, Mom.” Kimber’s lips brush my cheek. “Don’t forget perfume. And deodorant.” She glances at a text on her cell phone. “Nav just left the bar. He says Prodigy is there.”

“Oh God. He didn’t have a talk with him, did he?”


“What did I ever do besides love you?” I snap. “Please tell me Nav didn’t say something.”

She pinches her finger and thumb together. “He may have given him a little pep talk.”

Heat fans across my cheeks. Embarrassment coats my skin. “He didn’t.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“Kimber!” I screech and flop on the center of my bed, face down.

“Get up,” Pam snaps at me.

“I don’t wanna.” I grumble into my covers, wondering if I stay this way long enough, if they will leave me here to die alone in peace.

“I’m leaving. Go. Have fun. Live a little. I love you.” Kimber touches my arm.

“I love you even though right now you’re annoying. I’m considering cutting you from my Will.”

“I’m your daughter. It’s my job,” she singsongs as she leaves me alone with Pam.

I roll over and stare up at the ceiling. “Am I really going through with this?”

“Come on. You can ride with me. I’m meeting Link.”

“Who has the kids?”

“I’ve got a sitter.”

“If I ride with you, I can’t leave when I want to.” I point out.

“Exactly.” She grins and I groan.

Chapter Three

“Get me a beer, Prospect,” Nav booms at our newest recruit, as he drops his ass onto the stool next to mine.

Though I guess I should say our newest wannabe. Fucking Jimmy is a dipshit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Smoke took him under his wing as a favor to my sister, Ember. I’ve had my doubts about my best friend dating my little sister, but he’s proven me wrong these past few months.

Having the two of them living with me hasn’t been without its challenges. At least they are planning on getting their own place soon, or nonetheless Ember swears she’s getting an apartment. I’ll believe it when I see it. She insists she likes that they are taking things slow. Sometimes it sounds like an ultimatum for Smoke to get the lead out and make a move.

I keep out of it. The last place I want to be is between my best friend and my sister in an argument about their relationship status.

“You and Zoe, huh?” Nav grins at me before taking a hearty pull off his longneck.

“Don’t start with me.” Zoe is a tough nut to crack. We flirted a bit, then she got busy, and I went on a run for the club. Things between us had fizzled by the time I rolled back into town.

That woman is complicated. I can’t figure her out. She’s one of those I don’t need a man types. Nav only wants me to get in there to keep her out of his hair. He’s with her oldest daughter, Kimber. I didn’t ask her out. Only said it would be cool if she dropped by tonight when I ran into her at a birthday party for one of Wylla Mae and East’s kids. It’s not a big deal.

“I’m just saying Kimber approves.”

Fucking hell. “Don’t you have better things to do than discuss where I stick my dick with your woman?”