Page 5 of Trusting The Biker

My girls, I’ve always spoiled and made sure they got what was trendy, so they were never picked on for being poor.

“No. We are done with Suzy Sunshine and this good girl schoolmarm aesthetic. You are a sexy single woman. There is no reason for you not to have cute date clothes. Promise me you at least have sexy undies.”

“Pam, I’m not planning on showing him my panties.”

“And why the hell not? You chickened out with Hound. And girl, he was a good man. I’m not letting you fuck this up with Prodigy. He’s nice. Single. No baggage. Good income. Handsome. He more than likes you.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t—”

She throws up a palm in my face. “Don’t give me that I don’t need a man spiel.”

“I was only going to say I don’t think I’m his type.”

“Type smype. You have a banging body. Pretty face. Great personality when you actually allow anyone close enough to know the real you. You own your own business. You don’t need a man, but honey…it’s okay to want one.”

Her words are a punch to the gut. I’ve been convincing myself since I left Adam that I don’t need a man, but she’s right. Part of me wants one.

“Okay. Fine. He is cute.” Prodigy has dark hair that’s longer on the top and faded on the sides. Neatly trimmed beard and goatee. He dresses nice. He’s not just a jeans and t-shirt biker. So maybe I’ve more then been checking him out and have had the hots for him for months.

“Thank fuck. I was about to check you for a pulse and ask if you needed your hormones tested.”

“You do realize not everyone needs to be coupled up to be happy.” The words coming out of my mouth sound as flat as they feel.

“There’s only so much a vibrator can do. Even if you don’t want to date the guy, you can let him go downtown and lick a little puss or a lot. I’m just sayin’.”

“You really have a way with words.”

“Words aren’t the only thing good that comes from my mouth. Why do you think your brother married me?” She grins and opens the top drawer of my dresser.

“I don’t want to hear what you do with my brother in private.”

She shrugs, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. “These.” She tosses a pair of dainty pale pink sheer lace boy bottoms in my direction. “You have a matching bra?”

I lift my shoulder and she roots around in another drawer.

“Mhmm. I suspected you’ve been wearing good underwear under those granny sweaters.” She flings the coordinating bra at me.

“I doubt he cares if my panties match.”

“You’re giving him the gift of your snatch.” She wags her pointer finger at me. “Let him unwrap a pretty package. I know for a fact from a good authority that the man can do a magical thang with that tongue of his.”

“Pam!” my face warms at what she’s insinuating about his cunnilingus skills.

“What size is Kiesha these days?”

I blink at the abrupt change in conversation. “Why?”

“Because the girl has style. Lord knows she didn’t get it from you.”

“That’s offensive.”

“Pfft. We both know it’s true. After all the shit Adam put you through, you closed yourself off and put up a tightly knitted granny sweater wall.”

“I’m not wearing my teen daughter’s clothes to go get laid in.”

“So you admit it? You’re going to show him your undies.”

I roll my eyes. She’s ridiculous.