Page 4 of Sex & Cigarettes

“I don’t play games.”

“I’m not going to argue. There is no point.”

“We could be good together.”

“What part of I will never ever fucking lay a finger on you in any way unless it’s to kill you don’t you understand.”

“I do this fire that burns inside you. No wonder your husband is so shall I say consumed by you.”

“You disgust me.”

“For now, but I hope in time you’ll change your mind. You think I don’t know you, but I’ve been watching you for years. I was out of the country when your father died, but the moment I found out I was back on my plane and coming to you. I wish I’d done things differently, but your father asked that I stay away until you turned of age.”

“Do you know how gross and creepy that sounds?”

“We live in a different world from normal society. I’ve always known you were mine.”

“You’re sick. I’m not yours. I want to make that call you promised me.”

“I’ll make arrangements.” Raul tugs on a strand of my hair. “You should get some rest.”

He leaves me alone and though I don’t want to, I close my eyes and think of Abel. My man must be going out of his mind with worry. I only hope he doesn’t do anything reckless.

Chapter 2


I can picture her standing out on the back patio like a candle flickering in the wind. Her dark hair with streaks of red stark against her white sundress. Her hands cradling her belly. Petunia at her feet. I reach out for her and she says, “Baby, wherever you are, reach inside your heart, that’s where you can find me. You’ll always be my man.”

My heart pounds in my chest, breath caught in my throat. Sweat beading down my back. I sit up in bed, scrub my hands over my eyes, and look over at the empty side of the bed ready to fall to pieces because she’s not here. My wife and her cherry lips.

I grip the sheet in my fist and glance around the room. I’m going to get her back.

I’ll bring my wife home if it’s the last thing I do.

Grabbing my pack of smokes and lighter off the nightstand, I crawl out of bed to go to let the dog out. I light up my cigarette and watch Petunia sniff around the rose bushes. My cell buzzes and I pick up on the first ring.

“Anything new?”

“Nope. Steph said she’d swing by and pick up the dog after she goes to the funeral home with Goldie to make arrangements for Teagan,” Uno tells me.

Fucking Teagan. Her arrangements are all being done under the table off the record. Tiny Leone owned everyone in this town except the dumbass police. If they only knew half the shit that goes down in this town, they wouldn’t be such arrogant fuckers. Everyone has a price though.

“How’s Murphy? Any change?”

“He’s at The Inferno and beating himself up.”

“I don’t blame him. I blame myself.”

“We’ll get her back. You just need to make the call and give Hernandez your word for use of the tunnels.”

“But that’s not enough. He wants more.”

“They always do.”

“Tell him I want to meet. I need to see my wife.”

“He says she’s safe.”