“Where you’re going, you’ll need a Harley. I know a guy.”
I bet he does. A man like Merc has friends in many places.
Mostly low.
Present Day
I stare at the torn and wrinkled photo of Tori that I keep in my wallet and wonder what she’d think about what I’m going to do. Would she be proud or repulsed?
Today has been fifteen years in the making.
Marco stole the life I should have had. Stole the future of my child.
Tonight, I take what is rightfully mine. This city and his daughter.
All the key players have gathered in one spot as they once were on what was meant to be the happiest day of my life. Lambs waiting for the slaughter.
I’ve paid my dues.
Paved the road back to Chicago in blood.
Worked my way up the ranks in one of the most notorious motorcycle clubs.
I swore an oath to my men and them to me.
Revenge will be mine.
Rolling up to the gate knowing my brothers have my back, adrenaline pumps through my veins.
It was easy enough to buy our way onto the guest list and duplicate the invitations.
I’ve been planning for months. Staking them out. Learning routines. Getting people in place right under Marco’s fucking nose.
His newest housekeeper. His daughter’s driver. The chef catering for tonight’s party. All of them are on my payroll.
They’ll never know what hit them. Once I’m through the gate, I park and wait.
Right about now, all the guests should be going out to the back patio for the firework display. Dinner, dessert, and drinks laced with sedatives have been served. Not enough to kill them, but to do what the drug was made for. To put them all to sleep. Everyone but my targets.
Some of my men are already inside posing as staff and security. Marco likes to indulge his men and hires out for occasions such as this. No phones or weapons were allowed past security. A mistake on his part. One he’ll never make again.
I check the time on my watch and exit my vehicle once I’ve sent out the mass text. One word.
I can’t wait to see the look on the smug bastard’s face when he realizes I’m alive.
That after all these years, he didn’t get away with what he did.
One by one, his guests and men will drop like flies and those who don’t won’t be spared.
No one is leaving here the way they came.
I’m storming his castle and stealing his princess.
My men come out from the shadows, having been transported in earlier in the back of a catering van armed and ready with silencers on their weapons if we need to put anyone down.
Marco Ricci will bleed for me.