Page 17 of Hard Target

Chapter Ten


I despiseincompetence and have no tolerance for it. The man on the other end of the line is dangerously close to triggering my temper.

“I assure you, Mr. Ivanov, I’ve searched all his usual stops—”

“Then look for him at his unusual stops!” I bark, cutting him off. “Do you think I’m interested in what you’ve done to not find Donatelli?”

“No, sir.”

“Find him.” I end the call as another call comes in. “Speak,” I command in Russian.

“Cousin? It’s Mika. Are you still in Chicago?” He sounds upset, panicked, and in the background, I hear Natasha crying. Not just crying, screaming.

I shoot forward in my chair. “What is it? Why is your new bride so upset?”

“The rings,” is all he has to say.

“I’m already tracking down the jeweler,” I assure him. “Tell Natasha to calm down. She will get the real rings soon enough.”

“That woman—”

“Had nothing to do with this,” I cut him off before he can plant that seed. I will not allow the suspicion surrounding Raina to take hold. “It was Donatelli. He switched out the jewels, not the woman. She only delivered the rings.” Swallowing the truth, I add, “He designed them, not her. Remember that.”


“Remember that,” I repeat, closing the subject. My cousin knows better than to push me.

“Yes, Aleksei. Thank you.”

“Was there anything else, Mika?”

“Knowing you are taking care of it is enough, cousin. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Give your bride my best.” I end the call and sigh deeply as I pinch the skin between my eyes to ward off the headache attempting to take root. What a fucking mess. Thank god Raina is safely tucked away with me here in the penthouse. I’m a powerful man, but with the rumors rushing through the family like an airborne virus in a crowded room, even I may not be able to protect her.

Which is why we will stay here confined to the walls of this condo until I have my hands on Donatelli. I will get him to confess. The Ivanovs can be very persuasive. I find the jeweler, I find the jewels. I find the jewels, I clear the suspicion surrounding Raina. My woman is not guilty of the crime the family is accusing her of. I will not rest until I prove it.

It’s only been a few hours since I’ve buried myself inside Raina, but my body craves hers, longs to touch her, hold her, love her. I don’t understand this power she has over me, only that I can’t fight it. I don’t want to fight it. We’ve known each other less than twenty-four hours, and yet… I can’t remember my life before her, and I can’t imagine my life without her from this day forward.

I stand and leave my office, not bothering to lock the door behind me. I will have no secrets from my Raina. Once I clear her name, I will bring her home to meet my father. With his blessing, we will be married that same day. Without his blessing…

That thought slows my movement, uncertainty twisting in my heart. It’s not doubt for my future with Raina, it’s concern for what my family will do if I marry without the patriarch’s blessing. No, not if. When. My father’s blessing would be most welcome, but it’s not a requirement, I decide. Whether or not my family approves of my marriage, I will make Raina Darcy my wife.

My decision made, I don’t want to waste another minute away from my future bride and rush down the stairs. “Raina? My love, where are you?” I reach the foot of the stairs and glance around, frowning when I don’t see her. Odd. “Raina?”

A slow and steady dread fills my veins. Something is wrong, I know it. I no longer sense Raina in the penthouse, no longer feel her warm energy in the air. Hurrying to the kitchen counter where I left my keycard, I see that is gone, too. No. No! “Raina!”

I don’t bother running from room to room, already knowing where she went. She desperately wanted to check in with that snake Donatelli, completely unaware of the man’s betrayal. My crazy, loyal, impulsive woman. Dialing the front desk, I wait impatiently for someone to answer. Two rings are too long, so when the cheery, “Front desk, how may I help you?” sounds, I’m already out of my mind with worry.

“This is Aleksei Ivanov. Where is she?”

“Uh, sir?” The man on the other end of the line clearly doesn’t understand the urgency of my question.

“Where the fuck is Raina?”
