Page 10 of Hard Target

“It was fine,” I ground out as the machine finishes noisily dispensing the coffee into the waiting mug. “Had you been here in person to wish our cousin well, you’d know that.”

“Sorry, brother. Someone had to stay behind and keep our father company. Speaking of company,” he pauses, and I curl my lip, anxious for this call to end so I can rejoin my Raina upstairs. I have a spectacular shower I’d like to show her.

Vlad continues. “I heard you left the reception with a woman, but when I asked the front desk if you came home last night, they said you hadn’t. I wanted to be sure you weren’t kidnapped.”

I laugh harshly. “No, I wasn’t kidnapped.” I make a mental note to reward the front staff handsomely for following through with my instruction of telling no one when I arrive and when I leave—including family.

“I see,” he says far too knowingly. “Is the woman anyone I know?”

Goddamn him and his pestering questions. “No.”

“Where’d you meet her?”

“None of your concern,” I growl. My brother and I…don’t see eye to eye. We never have. He’s more concerned about the numbers in his bank account than his loyalty to tradition. As the oldest son, it’s my duty to serve by the side of my father, to see to it the Ivanov name remains at the top of the food chain. Vlad would as soon sell our grandmother for a set of diamonds to adorn his ears.

“Actually…” When he hesitates, my irritation grows.

“Out with it.”

“Father wanted me to tell you. You do have an assignment, one little job to take care of while you’re in Chicago.”

Shit. Now that I’ve found Raina, I’d rather do her than a little job. But alas, duty calls. “The target?”

“It’s the woman you left the reception with, Raina Darcy. Apparently, she’s in the wind…along with $70,000 in jewels that were supposed to be wrapped around Natasha Bolykin’s pretty finger. You wouldn’t happen to know where she is, would you?”

“She left me early this morning,” I lie and set my jaw as I lift my gaze. My beautiful, innocent princess is upstairs, sleeping soundly, completely unaware of the shit storm about to strike.

“Convenient for her, yes?” When I don’t answer, he continues. “You are to find the jewels.”

“And the woman?”

Vlad’s responding chuckle only adds to the intensity cooling in my veins. “Father says to send a message. And Aleksei? Don’t be a hero.”

Irritation flares. “You dare talk to me like this? Do not forget your place, Vladimir. I will take care of it. Attempt to give me an order again, and I will take care of you, too.”