Page 13 of Hard Target

Chapter Eight


I leadRaina to the far room on the north end of the condo, the one not on the blueprints of the building, the one unknown to most who’ve been here. I had it built right after I moved in and transferred some of my more priceless assets from New York to here in Chicago where I will eventually be living. It’s not a hidden room, per se, but rather one I prefer not to advertise.

“What is this place?” Raina asks as she glances around.

Dropping her hand, I approach the safe built into the wall. It requires a passcode, all five prints from my right hand, a retinal scan, and a voice command—in Latin. I take no chances when it comes to what’s mine. That now includes Raina.

The fact my father wants me to send a message over $70,000 in missing jewels is understandable. Using Raina to do so is unacceptable. I love my family and will do anything to keep the Ivanov name strong and proud, but I won’t bring any harm to my Raina, and won’t allow anyone else to do so.

After hearing her explain the events of yesterday, there is no doubt in my mind that Donatelli is behind the missing jewels. No one steals from the family. I will deal with him personally, especially now that he’s included Raina in his deceit.

“This,” I answer as I open the safe, “is what I wanted to show you.” I stand back and watch her reaction. The jewels in the front are exquisite, this is true, but it’s the crown of jewels I have hidden behind a false back that I really want her to see.

Her pretty mouth falls open as she inches toward the display of the finest jewelry, some new, some carried down through the generations. All absolutely stunning, priceless, and holding Raina’s attention. “Are those…”

“Diamonds, yes. Well, most of them. Some are emeralds, some rubies. I believe there may be sapphires in some of the settings. I haven’t examined them in some time.”

“Oh, wow.” She leans in, careful not to get too close, and jumps when I move up behind her, resting my lips to her ear.

“Would you like to see how they look on you?”

Those stunning dark eyes round as she brings her hand to her heart. “Do you really mean it?”

“I mean everything I say to you, my princess. This, you must believe.” I reach in and pull out an exquisite necklace of diamonds. “Turn. Allow me to place this around your beautiful neck.”

She quickly obeys and lifts her hair. I fasten it and turn her to face me. Just as I’d always imagined, the jewels adorning her neck are gorgeous as they rest on such a creamy complexion. I know I’ve found the woman I’ve only seen in my dreams—my very own swan princess.

“It’s so beautiful,” she whispers and brushes the necklace with her fingers. “And heavy. I had no idea it’d weigh so much. Then again, with the bezel settings used to secure the diamonds, it makes sense.”

“Matching earrings,” I say and hand them to her. She squeals in delight as she eagerly clasps them to her ears. There are more pieces to the set, but I’m too impatient to show her what I really want to see displayed atop her glossy dark hair. I reach in, moving aside the false back and pulling out the velvet bag that contains the entire reason I have such security in place.

When I remove the bag to reveal the contents, Raina’s eyes grow as wide as saucers. “Oh, my god. Alek… Is that… Oh, my god. It’s real,” she cries. Her eyes shine and tears of awe and joy—I hope it’s awe and joy—spill over, sliding down her pretty cheeks. She steps toward me and lifts a shaking hand, holding her fingers inches from the jewels in my hands. “I can’t believe it’s real. I can’t believe you have the crown from my favorite painting in the world.”

“You are my very own swan princess, Raina. Allow me.” I lift the crown and place it on her head. It’s…more than I could have ever imagined. Her beauty, her absolute striking beauty, brings a tear to my eye and swells my chest with so much pride I struggle to pull in a full breath. I’ve searched for so long, so many years I’ve waited for her. My search is over. Raina Darcy is my swan princess.

“You know the tale, yes?”

She nods carefully. “The prince finds his very own princess in the swan he saved from an evil wizard. There are many variations, but that’s the basic story.”

An evil wizard in the form of Donatelli, I correct silently. It’s my duty to save my princess from the clutches of evil just as the prince had done in the tale. An idea comes to mind and I grin, knowing she’ll be more than happy to play along.

“I, the dark prince, have just rescued the beautiful swan princess from certain death.”

Raina smiles brightly. “To repay him for such an act of bravery, the swan promises to serve her prince forever.”

Ah yes. That is exactly what I’ve longed to hear. Now that I hear those words fall from my Raina’s lips, I can’t wait to make my princess truly mine. My cock throbs in agreement, eager to take its place deep inside her velvety warmth. “Serve me, you say?”

She loosens the robe and slips it from her shoulders, her gaze never leaving mine. Now she is only wearing glittering jewels. I remove my robe and pull us together, kissing her with the unbridled need I’ve had for her since first seeing her. Lifting one of her legs, I wrap it around my hip to better feel the heat of her pussy against my hard flesh. Her heat sears me, brands me, and lust bites into my balls. I’m desperate to fill her full of my cum, have my seed take root, and brand her right back.

I lift her so she has both thighs wrapped around me, trapping me. Grabbing her hips, I slide her pussy up and down my cock, coating me in her slick cream. An exquisite nest for her necklace, her pretty breasts with their taut nipples taunt me, and I take one in my mouth, sucking greedily. She moans and rocks her hips. Moving to the other nipple, I scrape my teeth across it, and she moans again. This time when she rocks her hips, I move, thrusting my cock deep inside her pussy.

The pleasure that racks my body sends a shudder racing through it. I’ve always fantasized finding the Swan Princess, rescuing her and having her live to serve me forever. I no longer have to fantasize. This woman is my reality, my very own princess.

I fuck her with everything I am, slamming my cock into her pussy hard, harder, seating us together over and over. We move to the wall where I can brace her and grind against her clit the way I know she likes it. “Does my princess like that?”

“Oh, Alek. Do that again.” When I do, she cries out and rocks her hips faster, making her earrings swing. I plunge my cock deep, and she cries out again as she detonates. “Yes!”