Page 16 of Naked Truth

Chapter Ten


“More?”I’ve already set another cheese mollete on the plate in front of Valentina despite her protest. She’s barely finished two halves of the breakfast sandwiches set out for her. I can eat a whole tray and help myself to more. “Dom Hernandez is right; I may call you my little bird, but you do not need to eat as one.”

“I’m full, I swear.” When she pushes the plate away, I quickly finish my food and do the same. Once we both drink the last of our coffee, I stand and offer my hand. “Where are we going?” she asks.

“To show you the flowers as your grandfather has requested. They are in the private garden.”

She takes my hand and allows me to help her to her feet. “Do you always do everything you’re told?”

“When it comes to my employer, yes. I’m very loyal. This, you’ll learn to understand in time.”

That comment catches her attention. “What do you mean?”

“As I’ve told you repeatedly, you are mine, little bird. I am also yours. My loyalty, my devotion, my love. It is all yours.” I place her hand on my arm and lead her toward the garden. “I will go to any lengths to protect what’s mine.”

She lowers her gaze beneath her lashes. “You think I’m in danger, don’t you?”

“You’ll never be in any danger as long as I am by your side.” I stop her in front of the first row of colorful, fragrant flowers and hold her focus with mine. “But you must be smart, sweet Valentina. There are some in the extended family who will do anything to push you away, convince you to leave. They will say whatever it takes. You must stay alert, recognize when you’re being lied to, and above all else, you must never agree to anything, sign anything, under any type of duress.”

Her eyes round. “Would they really do that, bully me into doing something against my will?”

I nod and we keep walking. “I have no doubt they’ve already drawn up documents to fight your claim to the fortune.”

“But I’m not here for the money,” she protests, her frustration evident in her tone.

“You aren’t, but they are.”

We fall silent and move deeper into the garden and stop between two large stone statues. She’s trembling and I curse myself for saying anything. I wish I didn’t have to, but I can’t be by her side all day every day and still carry out my duties to my employer.

“I’m not saying this to frighten you,” I continue and brush some of the hair from her face. “I’m saying this to prepare you for when it happens.”

“You mean if?” she asks hopefully.

“No, mi amor. I do not.”

Her shaking intensifies. “I’m scared, Raoul. I didn’t come here to fight anyone. I came here to find my grandfather.”

“Allow me to teach you a trick I learned long ago. Close your eyes.” I wait for her to follow through with my instruction. “Good. Now, I want you to picture the place where you feel the safest. Nothing can touch you, nothing can harm you. You are perfectly safe. Do have a place in your mind?”

A brilliant color splashes her cheeks and she nods quickly.

“Tell me, where are you?”

“In your arms.”

Oh, this woman of mine. My heart is going to burst from her words. I pull her to me, wrapping her in my arms to hold her close. She lifts her chin, so I brush my lips to hers. It is a kiss meant to reassure her, to bring her comfort, but it quickly transforms to one of heat and lust when she opens her mouth and licks my lips open. Hunger bites into my restraint, snapping it along with my control.

I reach beneath her dress and lift it above her hips, caressing the perfection of her backside. “Valentina, I won’t make it another moment without filling you with my flesh, stretching you, loving you. Let’s go back to your rooms. Now.” I take her hand, but she stops me with a sultry look in her dark eyes.

“No,” she purrs and bites her bottom lip. “Here.”

“I won’t place you on this ground without anything to protect you from the grass and rocks.” On this I won’t compromise.

“Then we stay upright.” She grins and adds, “Again.”

Good God she will be the death of me if she keeps looking at me like that, heat dilating her pupils, fervent want coloring her cheeks. I quickly release my hard cock from the restraints of my pants and grab her by the hips, turning her back to me. Immediately, my cock finds a home between her cheeks, and I rock my hips, stroking my flesh to hers.