“If that day ever comes, you better be ready to meet your maker, because the only way I’ll ever get tired of her is if the world comes to an end.”
Tire of Lori? Is he shitting me? Has he even met his daughter or gotten to know a thing about her? Does he know she prefers tea to coffee? Or how she hates country and loves jazz? Can he detail how she broke her wrist falling out of the cherry tree in the backyard when she was eight? Because I can and you better bet your ass I’d be able to outline every detail of my own daughter’s life. I’ll take the time to know her—to know all my children—as every father should know his own kids.
Hell, Coach apparently doesn’t even know that I dropped Lori as my agent. And I technically haven’t, since I haven’t signed the paperwork yet…
Which gives me an idea.
I want to tell Coach to fuck off, to force him to eat his words. No one talks about my girl like that. But I’ve got bigger fish to fry right now—namely, getting my angel back in my life. Permanently.
Because Lori is more than my agent, more than my lucky angel. She’s my entire reason for existing, and that means things are going to change. Her job, her home, and as soon as I can make it happen, her name. Lori Striker has a great ring to it.
And, soon enough, Lori will have a great ring. Period.