Page 5 of Virgin Pass

With a wave, she ushers me ahead. Even though I already have a bad, bad feeling about this, I enter the office the agency converted into a meeting room and lean against the far wall.

“You sure about this, Ms. Connor?” the big guard asks.

“I’m sure,” she says. But she doesn’t sound sure. She sounds as breathless and sweet as she did in the corridor at the field. I push off the wall when she walks into the room and closes the door behind her. I can’t help but eye her shapely thighs poking out from her dark skirt. No, dammit. This is the coach’s daughter and she is seriously off-limits. If I so much as think about touching his precious angel, he’ll break both my hands.

But I am thinking about touching her, and kissing her, and laying her down across the round table in the center of the room, lifting that skirt, and burying my face between those lush thighs, lapping up her juices and fucking her with my tongue until she cries my name.

Shit, there goes my dick again. I shift, knowing the effort is futile to cover my obvious reaction. I’m so desperate to taste her, a starving man hungry for this woman and can barely see straight because of it.

“Have a seat, Mr. Striker.”

And risk her seeing my raging hard on? Not a fucking chance. “I’m good, and why not call me Austin? I mean, we’ve known each other for years. That, and I did have my tongue down your throat recently.” I let that hang between us before adding, “Lori.”

Her cheeks turn bright red. “That was um…why did you kiss me?”

That comment has me inching closer to the table separating us. “To see if you taste as good as you look. You do, by the way.” I love the way she’s fidgeting, restless as I continue slowly closing the gap between us. “Now that we’re alone, we could pick up where we left off, seeing how you’re my lucky angel and all.”

She blinks at me. “Your what?”

“Lucky angel. That’s a huge step above a rabbit’s foot.” I’m even closer now, so close I can smell the nervousness on her breath, but there’s also another scent filling the air between us—arousal. It’s thick, an undeniable musk that has my mouth watering to lick at its source. “You see,” I say in a whisper so faint she has to lean in to hear me. Our mouths are a mere thought apart. “With a rabbit you only get the foot. With an angel,” I pause to rest my lips to hers, “you get the wings.”

Lori drops her pen on the table as her ragged breath tickles my face. Her color darkens and she averts her gaze as her shoulders rise and lower to her labored breathing. “That would be—um—not okay.”

“Why?” I lick my lips, making sure to snag a bit of her lips in the process. She blows out another breath.

“Because as of this morning, I’m going to be—um—I’m your new agent. Well, I’d like to be. I mean, if you’ll have me.” She nails me with a wide-eyed look that has me snapping up straight as my mouth falls open. While I’d love to have her, bury myself between her legs until she screams my name as she comes all over my cock, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind. “Eddy dropped you.”

Like I give a fuck about Eddy. “And?”

“That makes you available for one of the other agents here.”

She’s no longer looking at me, avoiding my gaze as she continues to fidget. It clicks and I’m ready to blow over this ridiculous waste of my time. However, I’m also intrigued my angel is standing before me when Eddy didn’t even have the balls to tell me he’s dropping me to my face.

“You’re seriously an agent?” I demand. She told me she was, but I didn’t actually think she meant it.

“I am.” Lori’s cheeks color as she drops her gaze. “I’m just…really junior at it.”

I ball my hands into fists, trying not to snap. This has got to be some sort of joke. I’ve gone from one of the top fatheads sold to being repped by someone barely above a receptionist? “Lori, I got all sorts of plans for you, don’t get me wrong, but I’m Austin Striker. I’m the Lucky Strike. My face has been used to sell everything from Gatorade to granola bars. Eddy got me those gigs. Do you really think you can do better?”

She squares her shoulders, her chin coming up again. “I know I can. You need me.”

I grin despite myself, admiring her spirit, but she’s got the wrong idea if she thinks my star has fallen this far. “Yeah? So what is it you think you can do for me?” This ought to be good.

“Plenty, if you’ll just listen to me.” She doesn’t back down and for some reason, that has me harder than forged steel, since I know it’s only because it’s me. She’s only got her confidence in full swing now because she—in her own mind anyway—is protecting me. I want her even more now than I did in that corridor. “I gave you valuable advice. Pair up with Bro Silverton. Make it work and I promise you, you’ll both be off the practice squad and starting by first game. You do that, you’ll have all the endorsements you could ever want. And all I’ve ever wanted is for you to get what you want. You have to know that.” She offers her hand, and it only shakes a little. “So, am I your agent? Do we have a deal?”

I gotta admit, I like her style, probably a little more than I should. I take her hand and shake it, then surprise her by pulling her in and planting a firm kiss on her sultry lips. “That’s step one in how we seal a deal, angel.”

Her cheeks grow to a beautiful crimson. “What’s step two?”

I grin and pull out a chair. “That door got a lock on it?” I don’t wait for her answer and keep my eyes riveted to her as I walk over and turn the lock. She jumps when the cylinder clicks into place. “Something got you nervous?”

“I—I—no.” It comes out as a question. Her wide gaze bounces from the chair I pulled out and me as I casually make my way back, closing the gap between us slowly, drawing out the anticipation. “Why did you lock the door?”

Licking my lips, my eyes travel the length of her petite frame, tracing the curves, memorizing them. She’s young, younger than me by a good ten years or more, but I don’t care. I smell her want leaking out of her, drenching her panties and making my mouth water. I have to taste her, just a little, just to see if her cream is as sweet as I imagine it.

“Because now it’s time for step two.” I take her hand, helping her into the chair. “First, I kiss your mouth, devour your lips, stake my claim.” I demonstrate by leaning in, pinning her to the chair, and slanting my lips over hers, meshing our mouths together. Our tongues unite and I swear to god I feel the earth shift off its axis. I’m eager, too fucking eager, and slow the kiss, deepening it. When she moans into my mouth, chills wash over my skin.

I run my hands over her shoulders, down her sides, and snake my arms around her waist, scooting her forward on the chair. Her legs open, allowing me to wedge between her knees. Her skirt stops me from getting too close, yet one of the many reasons I hate clothes.