“Be the girl who killed it in court and wins and that won’t happen. And if Cole wasn’t as damn good as he is, Reese wouldn’t have partnered with him.”

“I will,” I say. “We will.”

“Just communicate with him and us,” she says. “You’re with us and him. If you were with another firm, I’d give you different advice. But you’re not. It’ll be okay.”

“Thanks, Cat.”

“What are friends for?”

“Exactly,” I say. “So, send me your book.”

She pulls her Mac back in front of her and powers it up. “Here you go,” she sighs, punching a key on her computer. “Sent. Now I’m going to go pull out a few dresses you might like to try on. I can’t watch you read and I don’t want you to be nervous about what you can or can’t wear.” She disappears, and I flashback to the moment on the street when I’d walked away from Cole, and how much regret I’d felt. I’m where I belong and I’m going to stay the path. He’s in my path. I grab my phone from my purse and stare at Cole’s number, and finally I type: Can you call me sometime before the party?

He replies almost instantly: We’re about to meet with this potential client. I’ll call you after that before we run.

Can you text me first so I can go somewhere private?

Yes. Of course. Is this about your rules?

I consider that a moment and then reply with: I don’t know, Cole. I just want to talk to you.

I’ll call soon, he replies.

I’m not sure what I’m going to say to him besides giving him a heads up about what I told Cat. I’m not sure what I want him to say to me. No. That’s wrong. I want him to say something that makes going home with him tonight somehow as acceptable as he made me saying yes to that spanking. I want to be close to him again. I want to be naked with him again. I want to go home with Cole.