“Is everything okay, though?” I ask.

“There you go again. Of course it’s okay.”

“How is your architect?” I ask as she rushes toward the door.

“I like him,” she says, smiling. “I’ll tell you more over cocoa.” She disappears, and I text Cole: She got called into the hospital for a few hours. We’re having midnight coffee. Won’t be over.

My cell phone rings and I expect it to be him. “Hello,” I say, without checking caller ID.

“Lori, it’s Ned at the restaurant. I’m desperate for help. If you can work a shift, I’ll double your tips. That’s how desperate I am.”

I open my mouth to refuse but the word “double” gets me. For the first time since I asked to be on call, I can actually take the shift, and I’ll net a grand of cash. “I’m in. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

I rush to the bedroom, and text my mother: I’m taking a shift at the restaurant. Text me when you head home. I’ll try to be there when you arrive.

She calls me. “Why would you take a shift? You have an important job.”

“He offered to double my tips. That’s a grand we need.”

“You are one person.”

“I know, but when this six months ends, we’re going to be running forward, not crawling. I’ll see you later tonight.”

A few minutes later, I’m on the subway on my way to work.



It’s nearly ten when the partners meeting ends, and I finally return to my office and text Lori: Can you talk?

She sends me a message: I’ll call you in a couple of hours.

The reply does not please me. It feels like a wall. She’s shutting me out, panicking. Fuck. I’m going over there. I have to see her, and we need to get this barrier between us torn down once and for all. I grab my briefcase and head for the door, exiting to the lobby to freeze when I find Ashley at the desk outside the doorway. “Hi, boss,” she says.

“How the hell—you’re here.”

“I know,” she says. “Maria arranged to let me in. She seemed to think me coming straight from the airport to let you know I was here assured you’d be in a better mood tomorrow.” She covers her hands with her face and when she looks at me again, she starts to tear up. “I’m really here and he’s still really a bastard. I loved him and I’m kind of a wreck. You hate wrecks.”

“I do,” I say, “But tonight, we’ll be a train wreck together, and you probably just stopped me from creating a bigger one. Come on. I’ll take you to dinner and we’ll get drunk.”

She grabs her purse. “I’m in.”


Fifteen minutes later, we walk into a spot that I happen to know Lori worked at during her four-job hell. I chose it for that reason. I wanted to see where she’s been, what she’s done and I damn sure can’t take her here.

It’s a high-end place and I have to tip heftily to get a table. Ashley and I sit down at a table that is far from private in the center of the room. I order an expensive bottle of wine and Ashley starts pouring through everything she’s endured. “Is this too much information?” she asks.

“The part where he fucked you on the train before he fucked your whole life,” I say. “That was too much information.”

“Right. Where is our wine? I need to drink. This is an expensive place. We should be able to get our wine.” She glances around spots someone to target apparently because she stands up and steps in front of a waitress. “What does it take to get our wine?” Ashley demands, clearly not herself. “We’ve been waiting. This is really ridiculous.”

Oh fuck. I love this woman but she’s killing me. “I’m sorry,” a familiar voice says. “I’ll check on it.” I know that voice, and I stand up as Ashley sits down to find myself staring at Lori.

“Cole,” she breathes out, her gaze going to Ashley and then back to me before she turns and takes off.