My heart is racing and I am both aroused and terrified. A spanking? Why am I even considering this? Why? It’s impossible that I would and yet, I am. I really am, but it’s crazy. “I don’t know you,” I whisper. “I can’t—”
“You can,” he says, cupping my head, and sliding his cheek to mine, as if he feels my need for this tiny moment of visual privacy. “It will be good,” he whispers by my ear, his breath a warm tease on my neck. “So damn good, sweetheart.”
“Says the man giving the spanking. Says the one—”
“In control?” he asks, pulling back to look at me. “No. I’m not in control. You are. You decide if I do this. You decide if you want that kind of escape.”
“I’m not into pain. I’m sorry, but—”
“It’s not about pain, Lori. It will sting at most. It’s about escape. It’s about the freedom to be vulnerable for just a little window of time when you don’t dare any othertime.”
That he knows this about me, is unbelievable. He doesn’t know me. How can he know this?
“It’s about the adrenaline and the high and the way we’re into what is happening right here and now, that nothing else exists.”
“And if I don’t want to do this?”
“We fuck and we enjoy it,” he says simply, no hesitation in him, and I sense that he means it. There’s no pressure. I really feel that from this man.
“And if I do?”
“Then I’ll make sure you enjoy it, sweetheart. Really enjoy it.”
This is intimate. It’s control I am handing him, that I wouldn’t allow anyone I know, and with good reason. I know them. They could use it against me. They could twist it and me with it, and— “I’m not—”
He kisses me. “Then we won’t,” he says softly.
“Going to see you again,” I finish.
He pulls back and arches a brow. “But you’ll let me spank you? Is that what you’re saying?”
I answer in my own head first:
No consequences.
No names.
Him in control.
Not me.
For once, not me.
“Do it,” I whisper, my heart about to explode in my chest. “But don’t give me time to think about it. Don’t—”
He kisses me, a deep, long, drugging kiss before he says, “I won’t just do it. That’s punishment. That’s pain. That’s not how a spanking for pleasure works. It’s erotic play and thinking about it, anticipating it, is part of the high.”
“No room for anything but here and now,” I say, repeating his words, embracing those words.
“Exactly,” he agrees. “And we both know that’s what you’re looking for tonight. And I get it, Lori. That’s why people play these kinds of games, for pleasure and escape.”
“So, you—you make a habit of playing these games?”
“Not a habit,” he assures me. “But I was a member of a club right out of law school,” he says. “It was—an intense time for me for many reasons. I needed an uncomplicated release that didn’t fuck with my head afterward.”