“Okay. You love him. That’s obvious.”
“I do, Cat. I really do.”
“That’s the important part to establish before all else. That means—”
The door opens and male voices fill the air. Cole’s voice. “Oh God,” I whisper. “Cat.”
“I didn’t know he was coming home with Reese. They met at the office.”
I don’t have time to process another breath when Reese, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, and looking his usual handsome self, enters the kitchen. “Hey, Lori,” he says, stopping to give Cat a kiss, and murmuring something to her I don’t hear.
Cole steps into the archway between the kitchen and hallway, in jeans and a snug, black T-shirt, his expression hard, hot, and unreadable. “Hey, Cat,” he says, and then his eyes collide with mine. “Lori.”
My name has never been as brittle on his lips. “How did the meeting go last night?”
“Defense-worthy,” he says. “Perhaps even how we won the case. I’ll talk to the team about it Monday.”
The team.
Not me.
He eyes Reese. “I’m heading out.”
And then he’s gone.
Nothing more.
He’s just gone.