She looked at me for so long I thought she’d deny me.

“You want to sleep with me?”

I raised my brows. “Were you going to leave me in here all by myself?”


I palmed her ass, digging my fingers into her flesh. She wanted it, but she wasn’t ready to say it. It was fortunate I had no trouble taking charge.

“Put on your pajamas, sweetheart. We’re having a sleepover.”

Chapter Twenty-six


ElliotleftbeforeJoeyand I got out of bed, whispering goodbye to me and pecking my cheek. He had his routine, meeting Weston and Luca at the gym most mornings and rarely deviated from it. It was something I admired about him, along with his magic dick and incomparable mouth skills.

I learned something else about Elliot last night: he cuddled. He fell asleep beside me, but as soon as he’d passed out, he’d thrown his arm around me and pulled me close. I hadn’t thought I’d be able to sleep like that, but the next thing I knew, it was morning, and I wasn’t a walking zombie yet again.

So, when I passed Joey-Girl to Freddie and ventured into the kitchen to make breakfast, I was in a pretty great mood. Seeing the note waiting for me on the counter made it even better.


We’re having lunch together today. Write it on my schedule. If I have an appointment, reschedule it. In fact, reschedule all my lunch appointments from now on.


There’s an iced coffee waiting for you in the refrigerator.



P.S. You are a hardcore cuddler. No sense of personal space at all. I liked it.

Laughing, I tucked his note away with the others. If that was the narrative he was going with, I’d let him. I knew the truth. Elliot Levy was the cuddler. That was going in today’s postscript.

Elliot took me to lunch. I hadn’t allowed him to reschedule all of his lunchtime appointments—mostly because it would have beenmedoing all the legwork—but now, I was questioning myself. Sharing a baby-free meal with him had been nice.Reallynice. And now we were walking back to the office together.

And he was holding my hand.

I wiggled my fingers between his. “We should really stop this.”

He clamped down on my hand. “Why would we do that?”

“Because we’re almost back to the office and might see people we know.”


I huffed. “And…there will be questions.”

“Are you worried you won’t have answers?”

I wiggled my fingers again. “I’m not worried, but Iamprivate.”

“Hmmm. All right. We don’t have to hold hands.” He dropped my hand only to wind his arm around my waist. “Better?”

“Yes. That made a huge difference.” Laughing, I shoved him, but there was no strength behind it. “You need to not be touching me. I have to get back in work mode.”