I picked up a piece of her hair, rubbing it between my fingers. “How so?”

“I wasn’t walking around in an exhausted fog.” She breathed a little laugh. “And I’m not very tired now. That’s an unfamiliar feeling.”

“It doesn’t have to be unfamiliar. I had a great time with Josephine this morning. When I unwrapped her from her swaddle, her little arms popped straight up, and she did this great big stretch that looked like it felt so fucking amazing.”

She nodded, grinning at me. “Isn’t it cute? I wish my stretches were that good.”

“I was jealous, and I told her so.” I curled Catherine’s hair around my finger. “She wasn’t even alarmed to see me instead of you this morning.”

“Well, she knows you. We talk about you all the time.”

I winged a brow. “Do you? Care to share?”

“No. I’m sure you’ll overhear in your eavesdropping sessions.”

“It’s not eavesdropping if I happen to walk into the room while you’re spilling secrets to your baby.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Sure, Elliot. If that helps you sleep at night.”

“I’m more concerned about your sleeping. Will you let me wake up with Joey a few times a week?”

“I don’t know if that will help,” she hedged.

“It’s worth a shot. I need you to be cheerful and chipper at work.”

She snorted. “I’ve never been chipper. Find Leafy-Daniel for that.”

“I’m using myself as the baseline.”

That made her laugh harder, gratifying me even more than her pretty little jammies. Catherine’s laughter was as light and easy as she was, filling my chest and head like a helium balloon.

“Then I suppose I’m the most cheerful person on the planet.”

She fell into me as she laughed, and I pulled her closer, slipping my hand under the hem of her top to feel the warm skin along her spine.

“Elliot,” she breathed.

“Come here, sweetheart.” I scooted down lower and turned to my side, bringing us face to face. “I like looking at you.”


“You know you’re gorgeous.”

The shine in her eyes brightened. “You think so?”

“Mmm. I didn’t look at you for a long time, but I’ve always been aware of how strikingly beautiful you are. It was so fucking maddening.”

She sucked in a quivering breath. “I was always aware of how beautiful you are too. Fortunately for me, you were an immense asshole most of the time, so I was able to resist throwing myself at you.”

“I was an asshole being driven mad by my assistant’s mere existence.”

“Elliot…I was hugely pregnant for months.”

Reaching around her, I gripped her ass and tugged her pelvis into mine. “And sexy as hell.”

She burst out laughing. “What? No…”

“Yeah. Don’t you get it, sweetheart? You’re sexy in any form.”