He pushed Joey’s stroller, guiding me to a private room with far too many mirrors, tufted velvet settees, and a chandelier that sparkled like diamonds.

My own personal shopper led me behind a curtain where there were racks of clothes she claimed to have picked out for me. How she knew my size, I had no idea.Ididn’t even know what size I was anymore.

“Mr. Levy said you need work clothes. He specified short sleeves,” Nan, my shopper, informed me, bustling around the racks. The two of us couldn’t have been more opposite. Nan was a forty-ish, tiny, platinum blonde wearing skintight leather pants and a silky camisole, but she’d picked out beautiful clothing that, at first glance, appeared to be close to my style.

Joey was being patient, and Elliot wanted me to do this, so I’d humor him and play his game. Maybe I could buy one or two things, but that was a big maybe. Then I caught a glimpse of a price tag, and it was an immediate no. Who paid four hundred dollars for pants?

My mother, for one.

Elliot too, since he’d brought me here.

Not me. The clothes I had seen were beautiful, but no. I’d have fun trying them on and try to re-create something similar at a thrift shop.

Nan put me in a pair of wide-leg trousers and a short-sleeved, sage-green cardigan. They both fit like a glove, and Nan was pleased with herself, pressing her hands together under her chin.

“This is perfect. Mr. Levy will love this,” Nan oozed, rushing toward the curtain.

“I doubt Elliot will have an opinion.”

“Of course he will. He asked for me to have you show him everything.” She ripped back the curtain, gesturing for me to follow her. Reluctantly, I did.

Elliot was sitting on the settee, rocking the stroller back and forth. He lifted his eyes from Joey to meet mine.

“I’m told you need to approve my clothing,” I said.

“I asked to see, not approve.” He scanned me from head to toe, but his expression was so inscrutable I had no idea what his opinion was. “Do you like this?”

“I think so.” I spun around to look at myself in the wall of mirrors, trying to focus on the cloth, not be critical of my wild hair and the shadows beneath my eyes.

The pants hugged my butt just right and came up high on my waist, giving me an hourglass shape. The cardigan’s green shade set off my hair. I looked good.

“That’s your color,” Elliot said. “I’m relieved to see you in something other than black.”

I met his gaze in the mirror. “You have a lot of opinions about my clothes.”

He grimaced. “You kept tugging at that dress, Catherine. You were obviously uncomfortable, and I want you to feel good. But I should have kept my mouth shut. I’m sorry.”

“You should have.” I ran my hands from my ribs down to my hips. “I don’t hold a grudge, Elliot. You hurt my feelings then, but you’ve more than made up for it.”

“Maybe I have, but in my experience, saying the words when I’m in the wrong is important to getting right with each other.”

“Well then, we’re right with each other.”

He answered with a slight smile, averting his gaze back to Joey. “Try more on, but you’re definitely getting that outfit.”

I wasn’t in the mood to argue—even though I wouldnotbe buying these gloriously luxe and shockingly expensive clothes—and went back into the dressing room to try on more.

Next was a knee-length charcoal-gray jumper with a white ruffle-sleeve blouse. Elliot voted yes. By the third outfit, which he also claimed I was getting, I began to think he would be a fan of everything I tried on.

To be fair, I was too, but at these prices, I could maybe afford a pair of socks.

Nan held up a black dress. “You need something to wear when you’re not in the office. Try this on.”

The material was slippery silk. I had to stop myself from reaching out to touch it. It wouldn’t be mine, so feeling how fine the material was would only torture me more.

I bunched my hands at my sides. “No, Nan, I have a baby. I don’t wear slinky little dresses.”

“I have had three babies and I’m still sexy as hell.” She shoved the dress at me. “Just give it a whirl. You won’t be able to resist yourself in it.”