“All right, fine.” Ray smacked his leg. “No more Elliot talk. It’s not like you can do anything this late at night. Let’s discuss, in fine detail, the date Davida went on last night.”

With a gasp, I raised my head. “A date? You went on a date and didn’t mention it to me? Tell me everything.”

Davida rolled her eyes, acting put upon, but a second later, she spilled every little thing. My serious, no-nonsense friend blushed when describing her good night hug.

Of course, that set off a pang in my stomach because it reminded me of Elliot.

On their way out at midnight, Raymond took me by the shoulders and gave me a long, hard look. “You know I’m still pissed you didn’t ask to stay with me when you were down and out.”

Davida folded her arms. “I am as well.”

I rubbed my lips together, too emotional to handle any sort of confrontation without tearing up.

“I—I didn’t know if we were close enough for me to ask and didn’t want to put you in the position to say no.”

Ray gave me a little shake. “Woman, you’re too much. I saw a baby coming out of your vagina. We’re close.”

My eyes flared. “You said you didn’t look.”

He dropped his chin, brows raised. “Oh, I looked. It’s burned into my brain.” Another gentle shake. “My point is, take a chance on Elliot. You will always have a backup plan.”

Davida nodded. “I have plenty of room for you and the babe, but you’ll never need it.”

Tears of a girl who’d been unwanted for too many years dripped down my cheeks, and Ray swiped them away with his thumbs as quickly as they fell.

I gave them both a wobbly smile. “I love you guys.”

Ray sighed in exasperation. “No kidding. We’re your baby daddies—and not the deadbeat kind likeyou-know-who.”

Davida dragged him out of my house, making me promise to get some sleep and think about what they’d said.

Thinking wouldn’t be a problem.

Sleeping without my cuddly, warm, grumpy love? Doubtful.

Chapter Thirty-seven


We’dhadaroughnight. Joey had been up and down, cranky as all get-out, and I’d barely slept for more than an hour straight.

By seven, we were up and dressed, Joey in her car seat, ready to go.

It was too early for this, but I couldn’t make myself wait another second to go see Elliot and find out where his head was.

He and I had done a lot. Said even more. But on this topic, our communication had really failed.

We were both coming from places of hurt and insecurity. I could be the brave one, though. I could put myself out there and tell him what I really wanted.

If he didn’t want the same, at least I would know. I could figure out what my next step was then, but I couldn’t skip this one.

This step was the most important.

“Okay, my love. Let’s go see our Elliot.”

I put the car seat down to sling my diaper bag over my shoulder and open the door. It was a good thing too. Otherwise, I would have dropped her.

Elliot was here.