I offered her a shining smile while revealing nothing. “I guess I got lucky.”

I got lucky again when we were separated by a rush of employees heading into the lobby, so she couldn’t press me for answers I wasn’t going to give her. It wasn’t like I had them, anyway. This was the first I was hearing of this.

Very strange.

I guessed Elliot and I would have a lot to talk about when he came home.

Chapter Thirty-one


Myone-weektripunavoidablybecame two weeks.

There were things I had to take care of, and they couldn’t happen from home.

First, I fortified myself with the brightest spot of my day while I’d been away: bedtime with my girls. Catherine was nursing Joey in her bed, getting her nice and drowsy while I talked to them both.

“She looks bigger, sweetheart.”

Catherine smiled. “That sounded accusatory.”

“It was. I told Joey not to change while I was gone. She promised.”

“Two weeks is a long time in the grand scheme of her short little life, you know. But I’ll be stern and forbid her from growing more.” She wagged her finger at Jo. “No more growing until Elliot comes home, little girl.”

Joey’s coo shot me in the gut. A few more days, and I’d be back with them.

Catherine finished nursing her and put her in her bassinet for the night. She was getting bigger. Soon, she’d need a crib. We’d have to pick one out when I returned home. Or move the one from her house to mine.

Catherine grabbed the phone and carried it into the study when Joey was asleep, curling up on the couch with a sigh.

“Tired?” I asked.

“Yeah. Ray and I did some painting at the house after work.”

“That’s good. You’re making progress?”

“Mmmhmm. It’s almost habitable.”

This, I didn’t like. As far as I was concerned, Catherine and Joey lived with me. Her house had to be renovated in order to put it on the market, but she’d made no mention of selling.

Another reminder that I had no control over this situation. Catherine could choose to move back to her house, and since I wasn’t a kidnapper, I would have to open the door for her to leave.

If I thought about it too hard, this far away from her, I’d panic. Lash out. Go crazy. So, I’d set these thoughts aside for now. We could talk about it when the time came.

“Don’t work too hard.”

“Mmm…I won’t.” Her sleepy eyes raked up and down, taking in what she could see of me through the screen. “Look at you, ready to start your day. Handsome as ever, even on the wrong side of the globe.”

Another shot to the gut. Being admired by the woman I’d been taken with for so long affected me on a visceral level. Her words tangled in my veins, mixing with my affection for her.

“Thank you. I like when you say things like that.”

Her lips turned up in a pleased little grin. “And I like that my compliments make you feel good. I have a lot of them stored up for future use.”

“Give me another. I need it to make it through the meeting I have later.”

“Hmmm.” She rested her head on the back of the couch and tapped her chin. “Your ability to be cool and collected under pressure is so flipping admirable, but your best quality is the way you can set down your armor at the end of the day to be soft and vulnerable.”