“Are you all right?” he asked, though he was the one ill at ease. I hated seeing him that way, so I jumped to my feet and wrapped my arms around his middle. His arms quickly curled around mine, and under his breath, he uttered, “Hug.”

“I’m fine. Miles is disgusted with my house, but he promises he can help me fix it.”

“I don’t know if I like this.”

I kissed his chest. “You don’t have to like it, but I need to get started, so I’m accepting his help.” I kissed his chin to soften the blow. “You were followed.”

“West and Luca decided the best way to get right with me was to show up at my house unannounced. When I left, they doubled down on their brilliant idea and came with me.”

He was so disgruntled by all of it I couldn’t stop myself from giggling. If Elliot truly hadn’t wanted to let his friends into his home, he wouldn’t have. Same for coming to my house with him. Elliot didn’t play. He would have shoved them right out of the door.

I leaned to the side, waving to the two men looming in my entry. “Come in, come in. You might as well see the circumstances from which Elliot plucked me.”

Luca was the first to come forward, his expression sheepish. “It’s got good bones, and the neighborhood is quiet.”

“I know. I didn’t buy it for the inside.”

Luca offered me his hand. Elliot was reluctant to let me go long enough for me to shake it, but he finally did, keeping one arm firmly around my shoulders.

Luca held my hand between both of his. “I know you heard what Weston and I said, and I’m horrified. I apologize for hurting you. That was not my intention, but it doesn’t matter because I know I did. So, I’m sorry, Cath—Kit.”

I nodded, swallowing hard. It was clear he meant it, but Elliot was stiff beside me. Maybe he wasn’t as forgiving, but I didn’t have any ill will toward Luca…or Weston, for that matter.

“You were looking out for Elliot.” I knocked my head against Elliot’s arm. “I can’t fault you for that.”

Weston cleared his throat as he made his way into the living room. “Go ahead and fault us for it. We were assholes, underestimating both you and Elliot.”

I would have shrugged, but Elliot was holding me too tight to lift my shoulder. “I’m not going to be mad at you to make you feel better, and you don’t have to work things out with me. I have too much on my plate to add the two of you. You’re Elliot’s to deal with.”

Miles chuckled from the couch. “Have I mentioned I love your girl, Elliot?”

Elliot whirled around to scowl at him. “No. And you’ll continue not to mention that.”

I elbowed him in the ribs. “Be nice. Miles is helping me in a big way.” Then I addressed Miles. “Don’t antagonize my boyfriend.”

Luca made a noise that sounded distinctly like an “awww.” “Elliot is a boyfriend. It’s cute.”

Weston shook his head. “Never thought I’d see the day.” Then he narrowed his eyes at his brother. “How did my wayward brother end up here with you?”

Miles closed his notebook and spread his arms over the back of my raggedy couch. “I’m here because I’m really good at solving other people’s problems and ignoring mine.”

As a person who’d been the black sheep of the family, I’d felt a camaraderie with Miles right away. It couldn’t have been easy to be Weston Aldrich’s younger brother. There was just no way to compare to a man who’d built a hugely successful company from scratch before he’d turned thirty.

I was still getting to know Miles, but I could tell he marched to the beat of his own drum, and I thought that was pretty fudging rad.

“We ran into each other in the paint section. He saw how lost I looked and took it upon himself to offer his services.”

“Gratis, obviously,” Miles added. “We’re going to get this house in top shape in no time.”

Elliot’s hold on me slipped down to my waist, his fingers digging almost too hard into my flesh. “I could have helped you.”

“I know you could have, but you’ve helped me with so much. I’m doing this on my own.”

His jaw rippled. “With Miles.”

Miles waved his notebook around. “I’m a planner, not an implementer. This is as far as I’m going. Once I’ve got the plans wrapped up, Baby Bird has to fly with her own wings.”

I waved. “Hi, I’m Baby Bird.”