Please make yourself at home. I left you the remote to the garage. The alarm code is 052106.

I have a dinner to attend tonight, so unfortunately, I won’t be able to eat with you. I left a list of restaurants where I have a tab if you’d like to order out.



P.S. You’re welcome here as long as you like.

I opened the fridge, and not only was there a cup of fruit salad, but right beside it was an iced coffee from my favorite café. How early must he have ordered this for it to have arrived before he left for the office?

“Look at us, Joey-Girl. We’re living the high life now, aren’t we?” Joey gurgled and nuzzled my chest like she was looking for a third breakfast when her tummy was still round from her second one. “Okay, lady. You have to let me eat some of this delicious-looking food Elliot left for me before you get breakfast number three.”

Her brow crinkled like she was insulted. I kissed her wrinkly little forehead and started plating my food one-handed while we chatted.

“I swear I’m not body shaming you, honey. You’re a growing girl who needs lots and lots of milk. I get you. But Mommy’s hungry too, you know? And as Elliot pointed out last night, your milk will be richer when I eat all this fancy food. I’m not sure that’s a scientific fact, but honestly, it sounds true.”

Movement to my left startled me. I whirled around to find Elliot with his shoulder leaning against the kitchen archway. His amused smirk told me he’d heard at least most of what I’d been saying.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I squeaked in alarm.

He uncrossed his arms, his smirk turning into a full-on grin. “Well, I live here.”

I clutched my thrashing heart. “I nearly dropped my baby, Elliot. You scared the shit out of me.”

He chuckled, which made me scowl at him. Motherclucker. I’d give him something to chuckle about. This called for a postscript.Reallycalled for one.

With his hands raised, he took a couple tentative steps into the room. “I’m not laughing because I scared you. It’s you cussing like a sailor that struck me as funny. I’m sorry I surprised you. It wasn’t my intention, I swear.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. I guessed me having a potty mouth was a revelation to him since I was in full-on Kit mode and he’d only just become acquainted with this side of me.

“I’m trying to stop,” I said defensively.

“I hope not on my account. I enjoy salty language from time to time.”

“Obviously not for you, Elliot. For Joey.” I resisted rolling my eyes at him, but he must have sensed it because he smirked harder.

Postscripts out the wazoo for this man.

“You didn’t say why you’re here.”

He tucked his hands into his pockets and strolled over to Joey and me. “I was on my way out the door, but the news reported bumper-to-bumper traffic due to a massive pileup on my normal route. I decided to avoid that mess and work from home for a bit. I heard you moving around, so I came to say hello,notscare the shit out of you.”

“And you eavesdropped on a private conversation, huh?”

His grin was wide enough to crinkle the corner of his eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was top secret.”

“Pfft. Babies are the best people to tell secrets to. It’s not like they can repeat them.”

“Very true.” He held his hands out. “I have a few minutes before I need to leave. Hand her over and eat your breakfast.”

Elliot absolutely did not wait for me to give him Joey. He slid her out of my hold like this was old hat for him. Joey had no trouble going to him, cooing when he secured her against his chest.

The rebel in me needed to protest though. “I’m not sure you can boss me around like that out of the office.”

“I’m letting you eat breakfast unencumbered. Is that really so bad, Catherine?”

“Still.” I crossed my arms over my chest, then quickly remembered I only had my nursing tank on, and it didn’t cover much of me. I really had to stop walking around half-naked in front of him. This was beginning to become a habit. “I was going to eat. Since you eavesdropped on our conversation, you know that.”