I nodded, a smile sneaking into the corners of my mouth. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes to all of it. As soon as possible.”

“Of course,” he agreed, rising to his feet and taking me in his arms. “Why waste any more time when I could make you mine now?”

“You would never waste time.”

Running his thumb over my ring, he pressed his mouth to mine. “No, I wouldn’t.”

Had to love a man who believed in efficiency.

And I did.

P.S. You’re my forever.



Two years later

Myhead.JesusChrist,my head.

This barbershop was not getting repeat business. My head was yanked back, and a comb bashed against my forehead.

The barber squealed with delight and climbed on my lap to stand on my legs. Then she dragged her comb through my hair, scraping at my scalp hard enough to draw blood.

And I let her do it without complaint.

How could I not? She was fucking adorable.

Catherine walked by and rubbed the tiny demon barber’s head. “Be gentle with Daddy. He doesn’t know how to say no to you, love, but I think you might be hurting him.”

Joey frowned, her forehead crinkling. She took my face in her sticky little hands. “Hurt, Daddy?”

“A little, baby girl. Just a little.”

She poked her bottom lip out. “I sorry. I be gentle.”

“I know you will.” I held on to her little hips while she balanced on my legs and made a concerted effort to go lighter with the comb. “That’s much better, Jo-Jo.”

“I know. I do good,” she replied, one-hundred-percent sure of herself.

That was what I wanted for my daughter. Always. To be confident and empowered because she had so many people who loved her in her corner, she was able to take chances and be herself without being afraid.

So far, at almost two and a half, Josephine March Levy was living up to her name. Our girl was fierce and bright, rough and tumble, but achingly sweet and empathetic. I didn’t know any other toddlers, but I could say, without a doubt, mine was something special.

Joey finished up styling my hair, then Catherine returned to whisk her away for her nighttime routine. I checked over my scalp, pleased to find no blood this time.

That’s my girl.

She’d been officially mine for over a year now. Liam had made a half-hearted protest, but once his wife had gotten pregnant with their first child, he’d agreed to sign his rights away so I could adopt Jo. Catherine had agreed to send him pictures when he requested them—which was every few months, more often than we’d expected—and Liam had agreed to meet her one day if she asked. That was as good as we were going to get from him, so I’d contented myself with it, and Liam’s existence rarely crossed my mind.

Life was far too busy to spend time on inconsequential things like that.

Catherine was no longer my assistant, though her office was now right next to mine. With Miles’s help—fucking Miles—she’d started a small nonprofit subsidiary of Levy Development that rehabbed old houses for the unhoused and impoverished.

She was happy and fulfilled in her new job, and I felt like the super genius who’d facilitated her finding her path while keeping her side by side with me.

There was never enough Catherine.