Miles shrugged. “Nah. Gotta do it.”

Their parents were shitty to each other and their sons but refused to divorce or remove their claws from either of them. Weston had extracted them himself, but Miles hadn’t gotten there yet. I got it. I’d had a mother who I’d tried to help until her last day. Some people just didn’t want to be helped, though.

Once Miles was gone, Luca and Weston rounded on me.

“What the fuck, Levy?” Luca started.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “What’s the problem?”

Weston was stony-faced. “What is going on with you?”

They were pissed I’d kept my relationship with Catherine from them, and I got that. But from my point of view, neither had a leg to stand on.

“Just spit it out. Say what you want.” I pointed at West. “But remember, I didn’t find out about you and Elise until you were outed.” Then I swung my finger to Luca. “And you showed up married to Saoirse. Don’t act like the three of us are in a knitting circle, spilling every detail of our lives to each other. That’s not what we do.”

Weston put his hands on his hips, nodding slowly. “No, I understand that. But you’ve worked with Catherine…Kit for over a year without paying her any interest.”

Luca scoffed. “I had to tell you she was pregnant.”

Weston went on. “Then suddenly, she has a kid and needs a place to live. Have you examined why you suddenly jumped into action? Is it really about her?”

I looked at my two best friends, who’d been with me through thick and thin, who I cared about like brothers, and all I wanted to do was rip their fucking heads off.

Through gritted teeth, I asked, “Why would you think this would be about anythingotherthan her?”

Luca and West looked at each other briefly. They were on the same page. Sharing the same thoughts. I didn’t want to hear it but fuck it, they were going to say it.

Weston stepped forward, bracing his hand on my shoulder. “Think about it, Elliot. Did this start because you have real feelings for her, or was it because you saw another mother in crisis and this time you could help her?”

I knocked his hand off me, seething at his audacity. I wasn’t a violent person, but right now, it was strumming through my veins. “The fuck did you just ask me?”

I craned my neck to check the front door. No sign of Catherine yet, thank Christ.

Weston held his hands up. “I’m not trying to insult you or Kit, I swear.”

Luca edged between us. “We’re looking out for you—andher.”

“It seems to me like you’re insulting us both.” I crossed my arms so I didn’t use them. I was close. So fucking close.

Luca chuffed. “You had no problem questioning my marriage to Saoirse. None of us are ‘yes’ men. We don’t hold back with each other.”

“Your questions are so far out of line it would be laughable if I weren’t furious.”

Weston patted Luca on the arm, moving him aside. “If we’re out of line, then I’m sorry. I hope I’m wrong. But I know you, Elliot. I was there when your mother lost it and you couldn’t do anything to prevent what happened. I saw your gnawing guilt when she died. I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t question your motives behind becoming entrenched in Kit and Joey’s lives as quickly as you have. Is this real, or are you—?”

“Enough,” I hissed. “Your concern is so goddamn ridiculous, I don’t have words. I have wanted that woman since the first moment I saw her, and I’m lucky she wants me back. Joey is a bonus, not a drawback. Allow me to set you straight right now. Catherine isnothinglike my mother. If I ever hear you say another negative thing about her, we’ll be done.”

Weston flinched, and Luca released a jagged exhale. I might have been harsh in my delivery, but at least the message had been received. My relationship with Catherine was not up for discussion.

“This is concern, not judgment.” Luca sounded more subdued than I’d ever heard him. “She’s really lovely.”

“No kidding.” My jaw flexed. “She makes me feel…she makes mefeel.”

Noise spilled out of the restaurant behind me. I spun, spotting Catherine carrying Joey in her car seat over her arm.

“Elliot, look, I’m sorry—” I cut Weston off with my raised hand, walking away from them without looking back.

It killed me that the two of them couldn’t be pleased for me, and Weston’s accusations would be circling my mind for some time. Not because there was any veracity to them but because he believed they might’ve been true.