Page 99 of Virtuous Vows

I can’t breathe.

I can’t stop staring at her.

“I failed,” I say miserably.

“Hey.” She slaps me hard across the face, and it’s shocking. “We did that together. That blood is on both of our hands. I’m not a damsel in distress, Dawson. We do this together. Everything together going forward. Do you understand?”

It’s a cold, hard dose of reality as I stare into the eyes of this unsuspectingly dangerous woman.

A click of a gun being cocked grabs our attention from the direction of the door. “Fuck me.”



Awild, voracious storm burns in his eyes as he stares at me. Admiration and surprise. I’ve never been a sweet thing. Maybe on the outside, but on the inside, I’ve always been able to look after myself, and they would have known that had I been let a little off my leash.

“Family is everything, and to defy the head deplorable.” Those words were ingrained into us as small children.

That is, of course, until my father points a gun at the man I love.

Before I can react, Dawson shoves me back and raises his own gun.

“Papa!” I scream. There’s a wild, fierce creature who wants to claw her way out of me. I suddenly understand everything that Dawson’s gaze expresses to me withoutwords. “Papa!” I scream again, and my voice doesn’t even sound like my own.

Dawson raises his hand to me. “Stay back, Honey.”

“You actually have the nerve to raise a gun at me, you little fucker?” my father sneers.

No, not my father.

The man people fear.

He steps out into the alley, two of his guards following with their guns raised.

My mother shouts at him from behind, but he doesn’t hear her. Or me. I’m scared that if I move, my father will pull the trigger. But I’m scared if I don’t stand in front of Dawson, he will do so as well.

Dawson offers a half smile before throwing his gun to the side in the opposite direction of me. Probably because he knows I’ll raise it against my own father.

“You put my daughter in danger,” my father snarls.

“I love your daughter,” Dawson yells. “And I would do anything to protect her.” My father steps up to him, pressing the edge of the gun to his head.

“Papa, no,please,” I beg. My voice is hoarse, my legs shaky. “Please, Papa.Please.”

All of my worst nightmares are coming to fruition.

My father is going to kill my first love.

“Not that your daughter needs protecting,” Dawson adds, suddenly calm as he looks at me with a small smile. Tears stream down my face, and I can’t look away. “But I agree that she shouldn’t be following strange men intoalleyways.”

Is he fucking joking? How could he make light of this situation? But it is one of the reasons I love him.

I feel my father’s gaze bouncing between us. I don’t want to look away from Dawson, but I must look at the other man I love. The one who finally has to let me go.

I turn to my father. “Please, Papa,” I beg. “He’s a good man.”

My father’s gaze is ruthless. This side of him has never been pointed toward me, but I willnotback down. This time, I fight.