Page 63 of Virtuous Vows

She finishes taking a bite of her pasta then wipes her mouth. “No, I haven’t spoken to him about it at all. How did you find out?”

I like Daphne, she has this easy-going nature about her, and she’s someone you want to be friends with, even though we’ve been with the same guy. Surprisingly, it doesn’t bother me because she has been nothing but upfront about it, and I can tell there’s no romantic relationship there. And that is even more frustrating.

Is it because I want a romantic relationship with Dawson?No, it’s only sex. Right?

“I invited him to my apartment a few days ago, and, you know, we proceeded to have sex. And as I was coming, he whispered something into my ear that the person to who I lost my virginity also whispered to me. So I knew right then and there it was him.”

She briefly studies me, then says, “It’s baffling because it’s unlike Dawson to slip up. What did he say?”

I hesitate because it feels oddly intimate. “He said, ‘Cry for me,’” I tell her, and her eyes widen.

“He never said that to me.” She shakes her head. “Actually, come to think of it, when it came to our contract, we didn’t talk much at all. It was just transactional fucking, which he is great at. So, tell me, how many times did you come?” She grins.

I can’t help but laugh at how easily she lightens the situation. “Twice.” She lifts her hand for a high five, and I slap it.

“Hell yeah. It suckshe’s such a dick, but at least his dick isn’t bad.” She laughs at her own joke. “Trust me. Some men have terrible dicks. They think they’re great, but in reality, they suck.” Shaking my head, she goes on, “For example, you know the guy I told you about? Well, he didn’t do any foreplay. He just stuck it right in and thought that was getting the job done. I listened to him grunt and moan for sixty seconds before he was done and pulled out of me. I at least thought he was going to touch my clit and get me off, but he did nothing of the sort.”

“Oh God, that sounds awful.”

She holds up her hand. “Then he proceeded to stand up, go to the bathroom to relieve himself, then came back, completely naked, hands on his hips, and asked me if I had somewhere else to be.” Daphne shakes her head in disgust. “That man gave me the shittiest lay of my life and then basically told me to leave.” Her face is red with anger. “You know what, fuck this. I’m going to tell him how much his cock sucks.” She pulls out her phone and starts typing.

“What are you saying?” I ask, leaning over to see what she is writing.

I want you to know that the sixty seconds you spent in my vagina was the worst of my life. Please take lessons before you inflict that on another woman.

She hits send, turns to me, and smiles. “Done.”

“I can’t believe you just did that.” I laugh, half shocked but more so impressed.

“Believe it,” she says.



Over the next week, I don’t hear from Dawson. My sister asks me why I’m not working, and I simply tell her I found an online job. Because I’m rolling in money now, and she’s going to see me spending it and asking me how I’m getting it. As thoughtful as my father’s allowance is, it’s limited compared to my lifestyle before moving here. Most likely intentionally to ensure I eventually go back.

“Are you ready?” Rya asks. It’s Crue’s birthday, and, as expected, a party is being thrown. Although I suspect Crue will only make an appearance at his own party before he whisks away his wife for a private celebration.

I slide on my light-pink dress and matching heels, then grab my black bag.


“Dawson will be there,” she tells me as we walk out. I feel her gaze and unasked questions.

“Figured as much.”

I haven’t told her about what happened between us because I have a feeling if she knew, she’d find him and rip his balls off. And I’m not really sure I want that to happen, considering he needs them, especially when he knows how to use the part attached to them so well.

I’ve been using my vibrator every single night, getting off to the memories of Dawson. I try to think of someone else—anyone else—but it’s always him that pops into the back of my head.

And his words echo in my ears as I come.“Cry for me.”

It’s become like a mantra I love to hate.

I can’t help it that my eyes water every time I come.

“How is it going with him?” Rya questions.