Page 35 of Virtuous Vows

But I don’t want it hanging over my head anymore. I want to do this for myself.

I’ve made up my mind.

Alana messaged me Dawson’s office address, where I currently stand, outside his door. It’s late, and I should be home in bed. That’s sure as hell where Marcoprobably thinks I am. But instead, I stand here, wondering if I should knock or walk in. Just as I go to lift my hand, the door opens, and a man I don’t recognize stands in front of me.

“Miss Ricci, please come in.” He steps back and waves me in.

The office is nice, with a fireplace that crackles even this time of year. There are multiple white couches and small tables around the room, but no one to occupy them. There’s even a white marble reception desk. It’s not at all what I expected of Dawson’s office. I genuinely thought it might be two levels deep under a club or something. That was my understanding of most lucrative mafia-related businesses. But Dawson’s office looks like a high-end… I don’t know, cigar bar or something.

The man leads me to another room at the back. I follow him, and as he pushes open a door, I see Dawson sitting behind a desk. He seems to be expecting me and waves for me to take a seat.

“I’d rather stand,” I tell him, fidgeting with my hands. Dawson notices but doesn’t comment on it. The man who escorted me in walks out and shuts the door behind him. I’m still unsure if this is the right thing to do. It’s been two weeks since I last saw him, and he made it abundantly clear that my “situation” wasn’t appealing to him, which is what brings me here today, not for him, but for me.

“What brings you here?” Dawson drawls.

“I want to ask you something,” I say, suddenlyfinding my confidence.

It’s only Dawson.

I can talk to Dawson.

“Okay, ask.”

Fuck, my sister would kill me if she knew.

“I want you to sell my virginity,” I state with a steady voice. I have been thinking on this for quite some time. I wasn’t sure exactly how to tell Dawson I want to sell my virginity, but I figure now is the time to do it.

I want to sleep with Kit. I’m attracted to him, but I’m afraid he’ll think less of me because I’m a virgin. And I know there is one way to solve that problem and earn some money from it at the same time.

He stares at me silently, leaving me standing in the heavy atmosphere. I know he won’t tell Crue. He’s all about keeping people’s secrets. But it doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable to ask.

“And how much do you take from that? I imagine the women earn a lot of money, and I want to know your commission on it.”

“You want to know my commission?” he questions, sitting back in his chair and flashing that cocky smile as if he finds this situation amusing.

“Don’t tease me, Dawson. I’m serious.”

“Why didn’t you ask me to take it?” he asks, curious.

I roll my eyes. I can’t believe Dawson’s even asking, so I say pointedly, “Because I know you won’t, and I want the money.”

“You have money, Honey. You are far from beingpoor.”

“I want to earn my own money. And if I can earn it with my body, I will.”

“So you want to sell yourself to the highest bidder?”


He remains silent for a moment and it kills me.Fuck. Surely, I’m not that repulsive that he doesn’t think he can even sell me. I fidget with my hands. I mean, I’m certain I’m attractive, but maybe it’s not enough.What if he really does laugh at me?

“Okay,” he says simply. “But there are vows you must take before selling yourself.”


“Yes. You vow to not speak about this, to embrace the experience, and to trust in me completely that you will be kept safe. That this is of your choosing and nothing is being taken from you. That you are giving it freely.”

“And the man?” I ask. “Does he make vows?”