Page 9 of Virtuous Vows

To be honest, I’m grateful he’s given me a place to live. I love spending time with Rya when she’s home, but listening to my sister and her husband have sex every single night is painful. And even noise-cancelling headphones only block out so much. I haven’t told Rya I’ve been looking at apartments, but this makes it much easier. Although, when I looked this morning, there wasn’t one available in this building, so it must have recently been listed.

“You don’t have to go,” Rya says, pinning Crue with a glare as she follows me into the spare room.

Happily, I throw my clothes into the suitcase and smile at her. “Rya, it’s fine. I was already looking at getting my own place, so this works out. I love you, but shit, you two are loud.” She doesn’t even blush. “You’re newlyweds, and you need your own space, so it’s good for me to have my own. I can’t remember the last time I was alone.”

Pretty sure the answer to that is never.

I’m excited to have a place to myself. It will most likely be quiet, but it might give me the space to figure out who I am and what I want. “This was meantto be a fresh start for me, but it is for you two as well. I’m fine with it. I’m twenty-seven… this is a normal step.”

Rya seems hesitant but nods, seeming to understand. “Do you need money?”

I laugh. “You’ve met our overprotective father, right? He sends me a weekly allowance.”

My phone pings, and I pull it out of my pocket. I read the message, and my stomach swirls with anticipation. “Oh my God! I have a job interview tomorrow.”

“Really? Where?” she asks, leaning over my shoulder.

“There’s a lingerie shop not far from here, so within walking distance, that’s looking for staff. I dropped by yesterday and asked the manager about the job. Wow.” I feel almost shocked by how serendipitous this all is and how quickly it’s taking shape right before me.

“I think I know the one you’re talking about,” Rya says. “If you want to come work for me, I can maybe try to work out something as well.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “No, I will leave all that stuff to you. I could think of nothing worse,” I tell her, not as an insult, which she gets. All my life I’ve had people control me. I almost feel like the lingerie shop is completely out of my wheelhouse in every way possible, and I’m excited by that.

“Well, the offer stands.”

“Not to live here anymore, I hope,” Crue states, walking in and lifting my suitcase. I try not to laugh because I know Crue Monti does not take kindly to being laughed at, but his eagerness is humorous.

“Is there at least a bed?” I ask him.

“Yes. And a couch and TV. Everything is sorted, and you’re welcome.” He strides out of the bedroom, and as we reach the door, he looks back to Rya and growls, “Be naked when I return.”

“I did not need to hear that,” I tell them, shaking my head.

Crue and I go down a few floors in the elevator, and at the end of the hallway, Crue stops at a black wooden door. I’m amazed by how chic the style is when he opens it. This apartment is not as big as the penthouse, but the two-bedroom is still massive, which is perfect for me.

Butterflies dance in my stomach as I take in the living room on my left and the kitchen on my right with an island bench. Past the entertainment area are floor-to-ceiling glass windows with a stunning view.

“I had the TV delivered today, and all the other bullshit. Don’t bother your sister for a good twenty-four hours,” Crue demands, placing my things down and then walking out, shutting the door behind him.

Crue also slammed the door closed on Marco, preventing him from entering. No doubt he wants to come in and inspect the safety of everything, but I want a few minutes alone to inspect it myself.

I bite my bottom lip, and a little squeal escapes.This is actually all mine?I run my hand along the kitchen counter, admiring its space and imagining everything I can cook . I peek into the bedroom. Seeing the dusky pink duvet on the bed, I jump on it, feeling likea big kid, and look to my right at the view through the windows.Maybe New York will look good on me.Slowly, all the expectations that have weighed me down slip away.

No one knows who I am here—not even me—and I feel like I’m taking my first deep breath for the first time in a long time.

A small spark of rebellion ignites within me.

Maybe I should try to have as much fun as possible while here.

And with that thought, the excitement is overwhelming.



It’s not often I interfere with who my store managers hire and fire, but I do see all the names that come along my desk regarding payroll sign-ups. And whenhername pops up, I’m surprised and recognize it immediately. Part of me almost considers whether Crue put her up to this, but he isn’t the type to waste time playing games on something trivial. That and no one else knows how much this little honeypot has gotten under my skin.

Honey Ricci.