Page 54 of Virtuous Vows

“I can pay you… if it’s sex you want. You’ll still be nice and tight. I could even teach you a few things.”

Goddammit! I look at him with disgust. “I’m not some prostitute, Kit.” I all but hiss out the words, completely offended.

He offers a half confused, half cocky smile. “Well, you are. I mean, you’ve done it once. And I don’t know, it’s a hot fantasy.”

Did he really just say that?

How could I have been so wrong about him?

I mean, three dates in, and we chatted regularly. I thought I had a good impression of what Kit was like as a man. And all this time, the asshole’s a disgusting pig.

Are all of the men in New York like this?

Or just men in general?

“You need to go before I call security.”

“Are you serious?” he asks, baffled. “I thought things were going well between us. I don’t understand why you’re mad.”

I don’t even have the words to deal with him and how offended and pissed off I am. This is a part I wanted to keep to myself. I didn’t want anyone else to know. And to be propositioned like this when I thought I had aspark with him leaves me astonished. “You need to leave,” I reiterate as I walk away.

“Call me if you change your mind. I’d still fuck you, Honey,” he shouts.

My skin crawls. “Yeah, that’s a no,” I call back, shaking my head and heading to the elevator to get as far away from him as possible. And all I want to do is cry. Because, for some reason, now I feel dirty. And disappointed. And disheartened.

I actually thought Kit was one of the good ones.

But I now realize that might not even be a thing.

Or maybe it’s not a thing for me.



It’s been two days since I last saw Dawson and had the confrontation with Kit. And besides my regular dinner with Rya and Crue, I’ve holed myself up in my apartment baking all types of treats. I’ve gone back and forth with Kit’s words. And how offended I was by the prospect of being considered a prostitute. It made me feel… less. Dirty? New waves and notions I didn’t understand developed but then I realized I didn’t care what he thought. And who cares if I accepted money for what I did? It doesn’t make me less of a woman. In fact, I feel invigorated by it. Andas ifthat asshole could fucking afford me anyway.

I’m walking back from the shelter on the outskirts of town. I baked so much that I didn’t know what to do with it, so instead of throwing it out, I hope it brought some less fortunate people joy.

I know Crue’s bodyguard is following me, and I’mokay with it. I still have a small container in my bag as I walk past the homeless man who is regularly at the park. He’s there today, so I drop off various assortments of sweets. And it always brings me joy to see someone cherish my cooking. The only person who has appreciated it in the past was my nonna. I touch my necklace, thinking of her. I wonderWhat she would think of all of this?She was just as strict as my father but always had a soft spot for us girls. When our father was strict with us, she’d be lenient or slip us a treat. I wonder how lenient she’d be about this.

I’m strolling through the park when a voice gains my attention. “Oh, I know you. You’re the woman from the lingerie shop.” I turn to find the woman who was with Dawson the first day he entered the store—the cat lady.

I look around, almost half expecting Dawson to be with her. But she’s by herself, just like me. Well, sort of, I have the guard following me.

“I am.” I half laugh at how excited she seems to have bumped into me. She’s definitely a little strange but seems nice. “I’m Honey. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name last time.” I offer her my hand.

She adjusts her handbag over her shoulder and grabs my hand with a bright smile. “Daphne.” She shakes my hand vigorously, and I’m almost slapped with her bountiful amount of energy, but it’s charming.

I pocket my hands. “Did you get that role you were after, with the cats?”

She huffs out a laugh. “Strangely enough, no.Apparently, they already had a girl in mind before the auditions started, but that’s fine. Maybe next time. Anyway, I got a hot-ass lingerie set out of it, so I can’t complain.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I say and smile. She waves me off as if it’s nothing. So, Dawson also let her have things from the store for free. I think back to the jacket he gave me. Perhaps it’s something he does regularly.

A mischievous grin lights her face. “Hey, are you free? I know we don’t know each other well, but you have good taste.” She waves up and down at my clothes. “And I’m looking for a dress for a date tonight. If you’re free, I’m happy to offer a coffee in exchange for your opinion.”
