Page 84 of Outcast

My head immediately started nodding emphatically. “Please.”

“I’ll teach her,” Caleb said as he rejoined us. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“We saw you on the news and your mom wanted me to check on Ember,” he answered.

My brows furrowed. “Me? Why?”

“She was worried since this is your first experience with what is a common occurrence to us, an attempted assassination of royalty,” he said. “So, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine,” I said honestly. “Not a single singed hair or scratch. Caleb shielded us and took the dragon down so fast that I barely had time to think about much.”

“I told her you were probably fine, but a mother hen tends to worry about her flock of chicks often,” he said with a soft smile. The obvious love he had for his wife was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Would I be adored like that when I was her age?

“Can you take back some of our bags?” Caleb asked. “We’re heading to the den and I’m not sure how long we’ll be there, but it’d be one less hassle if you took the bags now.”

Nico scowled at his son and I realized that they were the same height. “What am I, a delivery man?”

Caleb folded his arms across his chest and said, “If the shoe fits.”

Nico scowled a moment longer than chuckled and smiled. “Yeah, no problem.”

Bending down, Caleb pulled out the boxes with my new phone and phone case, then scooted the rest of the bags together in a small circle.

Nico’s eyes widened. “That’s a lot of bags.”

“She lost all her clothes, remember, Dad?” Caleb said.

Nico flinched. “Right. Sorry about that. You sure you’re good?”

I realized he was talking to me and I gave him a bright smile and a thumbs-up. “Peachy.”

He smiled wider, held his hand over the top of the circle of bags, winked at me, and disappeared along with the bags.

“That’s so cool,” I whispered in awe. “I want to learn that, too.”

Caleb gently grabbed my hand with his and tugged me a step closer, wrapping his arms around me, and kissed the side of my head. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

I hugged him back and said, “All thanks to you. Thank you for protecting me.”

“Always,” he breathed and squeezed me tighter. Stepping back, he smiled and asked, “So, what was it you were thinking when you saw me pinning him to the ground?”

My smile melted into a neutral expression. “I don’t know what you mean.”

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, a bit of growl lacing his words, “I could smell your desire from there, Ember, and see it in your eyes. Were you excited by witnessing me protect you? Or was it the roar?”

My body shuddered and I sucked in a sharp breath. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Hmm,” he hummed, the deep sound vibrating through my entire body. Stepping back, almost making me fall, a huge smile spread across his stupidly handsome face and he said, “We’ll see about that when we get home.”

Acorns on a roof, this man might kill me with built up lust.

I realized at some point before he had hugged me that he’d given the phone boxes to Riddick. Narrowing my eyes at Riddick, I asked, “Can you guys communicate telepathically?”

“No,” he said with a blank expression. “Why would you think that?” He handed the phone box back to Caleb and both laughed softly.

“Men,” I breathed, shook my head, and started towards the parking lot and the SUV we’d come in.

The werewolf den was huge, much larger than I had anticipated. Instead of going to the farm immediately, we parked in front of the main house.