Page 54 of Outcast

“You’re a hybrid, correct?” Queen Kara asked.

I nodded.

“Do you know what combination?” Prince Foxfire asked.

“I never knew my birth parents and my adoptive parents aren’t exactly people I trust at the moment. However, they said my father was a siren and my mother was a mage.”

“There’s something else,” Queen Kara said and tapped her finger. She looked at Prince Foxfire. “Can you tell?”

He shook his head. “Perhaps Caleb knows?”

“Perhaps I know what?” Caleb asked as he walked into the room. He kissed his grandmother on the cheek before coming to stand at my side, setting a hand on my leg.

“What she’s a hybrid of,” Prince Foxfire said. “We know siren and mage, but there’s something else.”

Caleb smirked. “Oh, I love when I know something you don’t.” He turned to Queen Kara. “I don’t think I’ve ever known something you didn’t. This is rich.”

“Caleb,” she chastised.

“Do you know?” I asked him.

He nodded, smiling wide, obviously happy to have information they didn’t. “I do.”

We all waited, but he didn’t offer it.

Queen Kara sighed. “Child! I grow tired of your impertinence. You’re too much like your father.”

“Hey!” Prince Foxfire yelled. “I’m right here.”

“I didn’t whisper,” she mumbled.

A laugh escaped before I could stop it and I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth. “Sorry.”

“You can laugh at them all you want,” Caleb said. Turning to face them he answered, “Elf. Why do you think Riddick is so enamored with her?”

“Elf?” I gasped. “You think I’m part elf?” I rubbed my rounded ears, not even a hint of a point.

“I don’t think, sweetheart, I know. Watching you fight against the creatures confirmed it.” At my raised brow he added, “Did you think your ability to form rock walls and dirt walls and such was only telekinesis? A mage cannot just pull a rectangular section of rock from beneath a lawn.”

Oh, I supposed that did make sense. I’d just never questioned it before.

“Well, it’s nice to welcome you to the family then, little elfling,” Queen Kara said with a smile. Then a sassy smirk crossed her face. “Oh, Dan and Emrys are going to be so jealous! Ha! I’m going to tell them right now!” She sauntered out of the room, moving much more gracefully than I anticipated a woman of her age to move, laughing giddily.

“Excuse my mother, she likes to tease the kings often,” Prince Foxfire said and shook his head. He stepped closer and held out his hand for me to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ember. I look forward to learning more about you.”

“Dad, what did Nana say about her powers?” Caleb asked with a worried frown creasing his brows.

“They’re blocked still, but there, and no permanent issues. She should have access to them soon, but we aren’t certain ofa timeframe.” He scowled as he looked at me. “I wonder if we could help?”

“How?” I asked. “She said the wall was cracked, so wouldn’t I need to finish breaking it?”

“Well, if we got the kings of each of your races to help you, or princes, they might be able to help you break it more. I don’t think we should do that unless it’s a last resort. I’m worried it could harm you in the process.” Caleb growled, which made his father smile wide. “Pup, you want to chat with your father?” He slung an arm across his shoulders. “Come speak to me. I think we have more to discuss than you let us know.”

Caleb ducked out from his arm and said, “After I take her to her room. She’s been in the car for a long time.”

“Actually, everyone is gathered at the dining room. She’s got to be hungry.” Prince Foxfire looked at me and my stomach growled as if reminded at his statement. He smiled and bowed as he waved his hand towards the door. “This way, milady.”
