Page 53 of Outcast

Nico held up his hands and took a step back. “Uh, I think the timer in the kitchen is going off.”

“Oh, a siren!” a tall woman with long black hair shouted and ran up to me. She ran her hands around my body, not touching, but it felt like she was, even though inches separated us. “Oh, you’re interesting. Who are your parents? Where’d you come from?” She didn’t give me time to answer before looking over at Caleb. “Where’d you find this one?”

Caleb marched over, put his arm across my chest, and pushed me back. “Auntie Leona, please give her some space.”

Auntie Leona? The siren woman who had helped save Jinla and was Jolie’s best friend?

“Oh! You brought a girl home!” Princess Jolie shouted and started to move towards me.

“Children!” an older elf woman shouted.

Every single one of them flinched as if caught doing something bad, including King Daniel.

She marched forward, a glare on her face, right up until she came to me, and then her face softened into a smile. She reached a hand out and I set mine in it. “Hello, dear. Please come with me.”

Gently, she pulled me towards the house.

“Winnie! Natalia!” I called out over my shoulder.

“We’ll handle it,” Riddick assured me. “We’ll let them out in a minute.”

“Come, come. I need to get a look at you. My grandson is mighty worried about you and the more worried he is, the more amped up and protective his parents are going to get. If I don’t get him an answer soon, the house might explode with alpha anxiety.”

“That’s only happened once, Mom,” Prince Foxfire said as he followed behind us.

“Mom?” I gasped and looked at the woman. “Oh, Your Majesty. I’m sorry. I’ve never seen your image before. I-I didn’t –”

She squeezed the hand she still held, pulling me down the hallway and down a set of stairs to a state-of-the-art medical room, a door on the side revealed what looked like a lab. “Enough of that. You’re a patient right now, so formalities are not required. Please sit on the table.”

I hopped up onto the medical table and chuckled softly.

She arched a brow.

“Sorry, I’m just used to being on the other side.”

Nodding, she said, “Caleb said you were medically trained. No healing powers, though?”

I shook my head. “Unfortunately, not. And no powers right now at all.” It hurt to admit and Prince Foxfire frowned as he looked at me.

“Well, let’s see what we can do about that,” Queen Kara of the Elves said. She drew in a deep breath, held her hands out towards me, and her eyes started glowing green.

Prince Foxfire drew closer, circling around us both. “You see that?” he asked in awe. He was the shortest of the princes, shorter than Caleb even, but had wide shoulders and was obviously muscular. His ears had a slight point to the tips as well, much like his mother.

“Shush,” she ordered him and he immediately stopped speaking, but continued circling me, eyes focused on the middle of my body.

After several moments, she stopped and looked up at me with a happy smile. “The good news is that the sedatives didn’t permanently damage your magic and it is still there.”

“And the bad news?” I asked, feeling like it was going to be something worse than I could have anticipated.

“The bad news is that it’s still blocked and although the wall appears damaged, I’m not sure how much longer it will take to disappear.” She smiled and patted my hand. “Itwilldisappear, but I’m not sure when.”

“You think it could be permanent?” I asked, swallowing hard.

She shook her head immediately. “No! No, not at all.”

“We can see your power,” Prince Foxfire said. “It’s very … vibrant.”

My brows furrowed. “What does that mean? Vibrant?”