Page 52 of Outcast

In a few minutes, we had all of my items packed up and ready to transport. Not that I necessarily needed them now that I wasn’t going to be treating creatures, but they were mine and useful and who knew when one of the guys might need some quick bandages.

“Ready?” Riddick asked from the doorway of the barn.

I nodded and hefted my medical kit backpack on my shoulders, but Triston pulled it off and carried it as well as two other large duffel bags, giving me a wink as he walked away.

It must be nice to carry so much. Yes, I could use my telekinesis to do those things, when it was working.

Fear coursed through me at the fact that it had been three hours and I still couldn’t access my magic. What if it was permanently gone? Then what good was I? How could I protect myself let alone others without my powers?

“Hey,” Riddick whispered and set his hands on my upper arms. “We’re going to visit one of the best healers in the world. She’ll be able to help you. I’m certain of it.”

I nodded and smiled up at him. “Right.”

Once I had Winnie settled in her cage, Natalia surprisingly opting to join her inside, and all the bags were secured, I climbed into the passenger seat while Riddick climbed into the driver’s seat.

“This is going to be quite a long drive,” he admitted. “So, speak up if you need food or a restroom break, okay?”

I nodded and said, “You hear that, Winnie?”

She oinked in agreement.

Riddick started the vehicle and we headed on our way.

On our way to a new life, a new direction for me. It was odd to be drastically uprooting myself at almost thirty years old, but also exciting.

Caleb was on his phone the entire time, brows furrowed, frowning at whatever he was madly typing and reading about.

Five hours later, we stopped for food, choosing a quick diner where we ate as well as got another meal to go, and then got back on the road.

An hour after the meal, my eyelids grew heavy and I fell into a restless sleep, woken ultimately by us stopping at a cottage of rock and wood. No, not just a cottage, but a four-story giant cottage. Was that a helipad on the top?

“I’m sorry in advance,” Caleb said with a slight cringe. “My family are a bit … over the top.” He looked at me. “Oh, and if any of them starts fighting with me, don’t worry. It’s not serious and we won’t hurt each other truly. It’s just something we –”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence as a large wolf ran outside and tackled him onto the grass behind us.

Caleb snarled and shifted into his wolf form as well, biting at the wolf’s flank. The two wrestled around, snapping at each other and fighting until Caleb got pinned and the other wolf howled victoriously.

“Really, Deryn?” a large man with a beard asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood beside the doorway of the house. “Still picking on your son?”

Deryn, Prince Deryn of the Werewolves and one of Caleb’s fathers, shifted into his man form with a happy smile. “You pick on me all the time. Isn’t this standard behavior?”

My eyes zipped back to the large man as I realized who he was. King Daniel of the Werewolves.

Two more men came out, as well as Nico, all strikingly handsome, and all smiling as they walked over to ruffle Caleb’s now human hair. He hugged each of them, smiling happily as they greeted him.

His fathers.

It was painfully obvious that our two childhoods were nothing alike.

Riddick walked over to Caleb’s fathers and they took turns embracing him as well, treating him like a second son.

“Where’s my boy? I can smell him!” Princess Jolie shouted as she ran outside and tackle-hugged Caleb.

Caleb wrapped his arms around his mother, who was smaller than him, protecting her as they rolled and laughed the entire time. She peppered his face with kisses and he gently pushed her back. “It hasn’t been that long since you last saw me, Mom.”

She scowled at him and pointed her finger at his face. “You have been gone for two monthsandyou fought a mage council without inviting me!”

Nico snickered and she spun around, her narrowed eyes and anger now directed at him. “You’re the one who went with him. You didn’t even call me.”