Page 51 of Outcast

“How did you find me, Caleb?”

Tilting his head at an odd angle so he could see me he said, “Does it matter?”

I nodded. “It does to me.”

He chewed on his lip a moment before admitting, “I can sense you. I tracked you with the connection we have.”

“This type of connection or bond isn’t normal, right?” I guessed. “There are no fated mates or anything like that, are there?” As much as I wanted to believe in fairy tales, I was certain fated mates didn’t exist.

“I’m not sure. My parents have a very unique bond, had a couple, actually. I don’t really doubt there is magic we still don’t understand and know about. I mean, how common were hybrids before and now there’s hundreds, if not thousands, of us showing up. Were we always there, just hidden? Was this inevitable? I just know that there’s something special about you, Ember, something that calls to me in a way I’ve never been called to a person before.” He squeezed me. “Just like I see you call to Triston and Branson and especially Riddick. I don’t know why your pull is stronger to Riddick and I than Triston and Branson. Maybe it has to do with how powerful we are or how strong of an alpha?”

“Wait!” I shouted and sat up. “What in all the realms are you talking about?”

He chuckled and pulled me back down to lay on his chest. “Never mind. Look, what’s important is that I was able to find you and get you back to safety. I’m just sorry you were taken in the first place. Why don’t you try to take a nap and hopefully when you wake up, your powers will be back.”

“What if they’re not?” I asked softly.

“Then you’ll get to visit my grandparents, well one set of them, to see if they can help. I promise, I will do everything in my power to help you. You are part of my team now, remember? I take care of my pack.”

Pack? It had a nice ring to it. I had always wanted to be part of a pack, or a community, who cared about each other.



With my parents on the run, my name cleared, and the mage who’d been after me dead, I was able to return home.

Winnie and Natalia both bombarded me with affection and demands for food. Once they were fed, I walked to what was left of my house, careful of where I stepped, searching for anything left I could salvage.

As I sifted through the wreckage, I came up with nothing I could take.

With a defeated sigh, I walked over to where the guys all stood, whispering together. “Nothing is salvageable, it seems. Sorry to have made you all waste a trip up here.”

“It wasn’t a waste,” Caleb said. Natalia sat on his shoulder, rubbing her head against his cheek. “We got to come see your pets and ensure they were safe and feed them.”

“Speaking of Natalia and Winnie,” Riddick said. “We could take them to the farm at the werewolf den in Jinla, where they would be spoiled rotten by the children.”

“You think they’d take them?” I asked.

Caleb smiled. “Papa Dan will be excited to have them, especially Natalia. I bet Natalia and he will get on swimmingly, won’t you, Natalia?”

Natalia cawed and bobbed her head.

“Well, I guess I better grab Winnie’s cage from the barn then,” I said and headed that way.

Branson followed behind me. “It’s up on the second shelf, so I’ll help you get it down.”

Smiling wide, I looked over my shoulder at him. “Why thank you, tall man. I appreciate your height assistance.”

Once inside the barn, we headed to the shelves where I stored the supplies and Branson easily pulled down the metal cage, carrying it out to the SUV to get it prepared for Winnie.

I grabbed what was left of her sack of pellets and the bag of bird feed I had for Natalia. Taking a breath, I looked around the barn and realized I had medical items to pack up as well.

“Need some help?” Triston asked, making me yelp in surprise.

I spun and smacked his shoulder. “You snuck in here on purpose.”

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. “Perhaps.”