Page 36 of Outcast

I carried the water glasses out first, setting them on the coffee table, then grabbed the tray of snacks and set it in the center. “I treat injured beings.”

“You have healing powers?” Caleb asked.

I shook my head. “No, but I’m medically trained and the city doesn’t like hybrids. So, injured hybrids are brought to me to treat.”

“That’s how you ended up here?” Caleb asked Riddick.

Riddick nodded. “I got jumped in the city and woke up here.”

“I think we need to speak to the leaders of this city,” Nico said with a frown. “It’s getting out of control.”

“We apologize on behalf of all the people you saved in the city,” Caleb said and dipped his head.

“The news cameras were still recording when Mr. Mayongan yelled at you,” Riddick explained.

My face warmed in embarrassment. “So, everyone saw me pass out, too?”

“You did use a lot of magic and blood,” Nico said. “Speaking of blood, future advice would be not to feed random beings your blood, even if it can cure them.”

“I tried to tell her,” Riddick grumbled.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but why are you here? Are you going to help find or fight the mage who is cursing them? Are you going to convince the Council here to let us go onto their land to see where the origin of the rocks is?”

“Rocks?” Nico asked and looked at Caleb. “What rocks?”

“Oh, right, I forgot to tell you about that part,” Caleb said. “The mage is using a rock when he curses the creatures. I think it may be a crystal with magic stored in it, but haven’t seen one in person yet.”

“Do you have one you can show me?” Nico asked.

I nodded, stood, and walked over to where my backpack still sat on the floor against the living room wall with the stones inside. “I collected a bunch from the riverbanks, but there are a ton more there.”

Reaching inside, I grabbed one of the rocks, hissing when it shocked me, but after the initial shock it didn’t hurt anymore. Holding it out flat on my palm, I showed it to them.

Nico’s eyes widened and he used telekinesis to send the rock flying out of my hand and back towards the bag. “These aren’t just crystals these are incredibly dangerous and can ex?—”

Whatever he was about to say was cut off as the bag of rocks beside me exploded.

Dust and debris rained down around us, but somehow, we were all unhurt and safe.

I blinked a few times as I took in the scene and quickly realized that both Nico and Caleb had created a dome-shaped barrier that had prevented the blast from hurting us.

My house on the other hand had not been so lucky.

Tears pooled in my eyes as I stared at the smoking cinders of what had once been my house. The entire thing was destroyed, leveled.

Sagging to my knees, hands to my mouth, I choked on a sob. “My house.”

“Is everyone alright?” Nico asked.

“Yes, all unharmed thanks to you two,” Triston said and squatted down to set a hand on my upper back. “I’m sorry about your house, sweetheart.”

Fury replaced my sadness. I stood and clenched my hands into fists at my sides. The ground shook beneath us as I turned and looked in the direction of the mountain and the Council. “I’m going to obliterate every last one of them!”

Every step I took caused the ground and trees to shake as I headed towards the river.

“Ember!” Riddick yelled. “Ember, wait! This isn’t you. You don’t want to hurt people.”

“They’ve pushed my hand,” I snarled and continued to walk.