Page 35 of Outcast

He leaned closer, his nose almost brushing against my neck, and inhaled deeply and loudly. When he straightened, his gaze was concerned. “Who are your parents?”

“What is it?” King Nico asked.

Looking over my shoulder at Riddick, he asked, “Did you not scent it?”

“What?” Riddick asked.

“She’s part siren,” Caleb said and tilted his head slightly as he looked at me. “My, my, what an interesting woman you are, Ember Jasperwood.”

“What’s going on?” Triston demanded and stomped towards us.

Caleb took two steps back, moving away from me and to stand next to his father. “Hello, fellow hybrid.”

Triston’s steps slowed, but he finished walking until he was right behind me and ran a hand along my neck, right over where Caleb had smelled me. “What’s going on?” he asked again, softer this time.

Caleb’s smile widened as he watched Triston. “How interesting.”

Riddick growled at Triston, who took a slight step back so he stood even with Riddick instead of against my back.

“I can’t be a siren,” I said, ignoring the weird males. “My parents were human and when they discovered I was a mage, they almost divorced over it, ultimately convinced it was latent genes from a previous member of their family.”

“Is Jasperwood your maiden name?” King Nico asked.

I shook my head. “My parents disowned me, so I changed my last name.”

“I think a talk with your parents might be due,” King Nico said. “You’re at the very least a siren-mage.” He smiled. “Much like my half-brothers.”

My eyes widened. “Your half-brothers?”

He nodded. “May we continue this inside? We drove quite a way and I’d like some water if you don’t mind?”

“I’m so sorry,” I stammered and quickly turned, leading them inside. “Please come in and I’ll provide refreshments.”

“Is that Prince Caleb?” Triston asked, glancing over his shoulder as we headed inside.

I nodded. “And King Nico of the Mages.”

“Just Nico, please,” he said.

Percival looked up from where he had been sitting on the couch, making notes in a journal. His eyes narrowed when he looked at me and I flinched, knowing he was still mad at me for holding them still while I cured all the cursed creatures. It had turned out that at least a dozen had been shifters, most of those being hybrids.

“We have visitors,” I informed him.

He snapped his journal closed and stood. “I sense them.”

Of course he did, their power levels were high and made anyone who could sense it take notice.

“Oh! Another hybrid, how exciting,” Caleb said as he entered and spotted Percival.

Percival frowned. “How could you know so quickly I am hybrid?”

Caleb shrugged. “We think it has something to do with me being a pure hybrid. I’m able to tell very quickly when someone is a hybrid, though I cannot tell what you are mixed with until I scent you.”

“You’ve gathered quite a few hybrids around you,” Nico said.

Hurrying to the kitchen to get water and some finger foods, I said, “I didn’t gather them. They were brought to me to treat.”

“Treat?” he asked.