Page 30 of Outcast

My eyes widened and I nodded mutely, watching him leave in surprise.

My heart pounded in my chest and I felt a twinge of fear as the door shut. What if that was the last time I saw Riddick? What if the real danger was in the city after all?



“There you are,” I called out to Triston as I climbed up atop the house, not wanting to startle him as he lay napping in his tiger form on the roof in a sunny spot.

He opened a single eyelid and made a chuffing sound of acknowledgment.

I sat down beside him and wrapped my arms around my legs to resist the urge to pet him. “We got worried when you were gone for so long, but I know shifters don’t like to stay cooped up in a house for very long, so I assumed you were out here somewhere.” One of my favorite things about this roof was that it wasn’t very steep, so you could lay up here without worrying too much about falling.

It had been two days since Riddick left and we hadn’t heard anything from him. My true worry was not Triston or Percival, but Riddick. What if he got jumped by the same people in the city and they were holding him prisoner? What if he was in trouble and we just didn’t know?

Triston rolled onto his side, dropping his head into my lap.

Chuckling, I started scratching his ears and rubbing his face.

To distract ourselves, we’d been playing a lot of card games and some of the very few board games I had, in addition to watching movies. Percival had been shocked I didn’t have any videogames, but I’d just never opted to spend the money for them when I could buy better medical equipment instead. Having better equipment to treat someone was more important than worrying about potential boredom.

My thoughts drifted to Kieran and Branson. I hoped they were safe wherever they were.

We’d watched the news religiously in case anything about Riddick came up, but there were no stories featuring him. There were no stories about cursed animals or shifters either, which made me wonder where they had gone now that they weren’t prowling along my wards.

Could the mystery mage control them? Was it more than a curse?

While deep in thought, my hands continued to pet Triston, and it wasn’t until he grabbed my hand that I realized I’d been petting his human hair and that he had shifted.

“I’m sure Riddick is safe. He is very strong.” He sat up, facing me, and brushed some hair behind my ear. “Your concern for others is admirable, but there are times when you really should think about yourself and your needs.”

My eyes dropped to his lips at the word “needs.”

Leaning forward, he slid his hand around the back of my neck, moving slowly to give me time to pull away, but that was the opposite of what I wanted. I wanted to be closer. I wanted more.

My lips parted in a gasp as he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me, his tongue sliding along mine. My hands went to his shoulders, so strong and warm, and slid up into his shaggy hair.

He made a purring sound, wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me flush against him, and kissed me hungrily as his erection pressed against my butt.

I moaned, but the sound was swallowed by his kisses.

He kissed his way down my jaw and to my neck, suckling the skin as he moved.

I rocked my hips against his erection and he growled softly, nipping my skin where my neck and shoulder met. “Should we take this inside?”

“Yes, please,” I breathed, but then thought about Percival inside. “Um, Percival will?—”

“What Percival does will be up to him,” Triston said and stood with me in his arms. “And also, what you would like.”

“What I’d like?” I asked, confused.

He smiled as he looked down at me. “If now or in the future you would like to invite him to join us. Perhaps today I’ll be greedy and devour you alone first. Next time we can discuss other arrangements.”

My eyes widened and my mouth popped open. “Oh. Oh!”

Hopping down, he walked into the house through the side door, resuming kissing my neck, and nibbling in a way that had me closing my eyes in ecstasy.

Instead of closing the door, he left it open as he set me on my bed and pulled off his shirt.