Page 14 of Outcast

Was he saying that for my benefit or to convince himself?

We ran across the wards and I pushed out of Percival’s hold, turning to face the creature. Gathering my power, I pulled two boulders out of the ground, preparing to attack if the wards failed.

Branson ran across the wards, scowling at me, and opened his mouth, but spun at the roar of the creature not far behind. “Ember, get back.”

“This is my house and my woods, and I will not cower from the townspeople, you, or this creature.” Taking a deep breath, I centered myself, calming my heart so I was focused.

Kieran ran from the other side of the house, Triston right on his heels.

Oh, thank goodness, Triston was alright.

Facing the creature again, I raised the boulders higher. “You shall not pass!” I screamed.

Riddick snickered, clearly understanding my joke.

The creature slammed against my wards and all of the men moved closer to me.

Only five feet separated me from it as it tried to claw and break my wards, its eyes focused on me.

“Is it just me or is that thing hyper focused on her?” Triston asked behind me.

“What are you?” I asked the creature. A strange black smoke oozed from its body, like steam from sweating.

It swiped at the ward again and again, stood on its hind legs, and tried to push it with both front paws. Focused only on getting to me.

Dropping the boulders back to the ground, I tilted my head and really looked at the creature. Why was it so determined to get me?

I took a step closer and several hands grabbed at me. I pushed them all back and continued to move closer.

The creature stopped attacking the ward, dropped to all fours, and chuffed at me.

“Talk to me. Tell me what you want,” I whispered.

“Ember,” Branson said and growled, still stuck from my power holding him and the others back.

“Ember, let us go,” Riddick growled.

“Just you and I. Talk to me,” I whispered, standing just a breath away from my ward and the creature that may or may not want to kill me.

“Blood,”it whispered in a strained voice.

“Blood?” I asked. “You need my blood?”

“Yessss. Pleassse.”



Cure? My blood was a cure?

Pulling the pocketknife from the side of my backpack, I cut my forearm.

“Em!” Kieran screeched and the others yelled out in shock as well.

“How much?” I asked.

It stood on its hind legs; eyes focused on the blood dripping down to my hand.