“Yes, sir.”
Steinmetz said, “Okay, Bob. I’ve had you checked out. Quantico. Interpol. Seems you are who you say you are.”
He turned his chair a few degrees and said, “Bao, call Wooten and Thordarson and have them get LaBreche down to the hospital.”
Joe said, “And the IT guy, Walters.”
Steinmetz said, “Fine. Joe, US marshals are waiting downstairs to take you three to St. Vartan’s. Call me when you’re on-site. Marshals will be responsible for Bob. You and Bao stick with him until CS Inc. confirms that the hospital is in the clear. I’ll be here and available. Joe, I need a few minutes with you alone when the job is done. Bob, if you fail, you’ll be detained and charged. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
Steinmetz took a sheet of paper from a folder on his desk and offered it to Bob, saying “This agreement protects both parties. You do your part to our satisfaction and you get a new ID and relocation to a small town in Bulgaria.”
Bob laughed. “Let me see.”
Steinmetz handed him the agreement. Joe saw by Bob’s nods and uh-huhs that he accepted the terms that he would be relocated to a city in the USA with a new identity. Bobpicked up a pen from the line of them on the chief’s desk. He signed the document, Steinmetz signed, and Joe witnessed the signatures. Steinmetz put the document back in his drawer.
Steinmetz said, “Take care of this tonight, Bob. Save some lives. Redeem yourself.”
AT 2:00 A.M., five hours after the meeting with Steinmetz, Joe was back in the chief’s office with vending machine coffee and cinnamon rolls in front of him.
Steinmetz said, “Bao called. She says it all went like quicksilver. St. Vartan’s network has been repaired, tested, and approved. You agree?”
Joe said, “Craig, I watched. I looked the part and asked questions, but really, my technical knowledge has its limits. Bao and CS Inc. were satisfied. I’d say more than satisfied.”
“Tech speech is irritating, isn’t it?”
“Yep, language from outer space. The marshals have Bob in lockup while we work out his part of the deal.”
“Very good. And I’ve got something for you,” Steinmetz said.
He opened his drawer and took out a folder and handed it across the desk to Joe. There was a number two envelope inside the folder, Joe’s name typed on the front.
Joe wondered if it was another job offer. Steinmetz had tried to lure him back full-time, but so far Joe had resisted.
Steinmetz said, “I fast-tracked this.”
He sat back in his chair and had a bit of a grin on his face. Joe put his thumb under the flap, pulled it across the back of the envelope, then fished out the enclosed sheet of paper. There was one double-spaced paragraph.
“Craig, thank you. I want to discuss this with Lindsay.”
“Fine. I need an answer by this time next week. Okay?”
“Thanks again, Craig. I’ll let you know.”
The two men stood up, shook hands, and took the elevator down to the street together.
I WAS STARTLED awake at some time before dawn. My bedside clock tells the day and the weather as well as the time. Six forty. Friday. Overcast, no chance of rain. My clock never lies.
I closed my eyes, hoping I’d fall back asleep, but no. I was thinking about Jamie and Holly Fricke, their bodies spread out on the street, killed only six months apart.
I had a nine o’clock meeting with Rae Bergen. Holly’s younger sister had resisted cooperating with the investigation but had finally agreed to meet with me and Rich at the Frickes’ house before the funeral service at ten. Not much time for us to question Rae, who’d known Holly her entire life and was also one of Jamie’s longtime lovers.