Page 79 of Letting it Ride

Addie’s gaze is fixed on something across the cafeteria. “Aw, look. He’s asking her to dance.”

I follow her gaze and see Ethan, sans vape, talking to a pretty girl with dark hair. “Is that the girl?”

Addie nods. “That’s Joanna. She’s way out of his league, if you ask me, but maybe she’ll throw him a bone.”

As we watch, Joanna hesitantly takes Ethan’s hand, and the two move onto the dance floor. Addie sighs with contentment.

Another kid wanders toward us. He must be a football player with the thickness of his neck. How do they all end up with that? Is it something they focus on in the weight room?

“Hi, Rudy,” Addie says. “Are you having fun?”

He shuffles. “Uh, yeah. I wanted to let you know that I got my SAT scores back. I got a 500 in math.”

Addie’s face breaks into a huge smile. “Rudy, that’s great! I’m so proud of you.”

Rudy smiles shyly. “Yeah. I think it’ll be enough to get into a college I can play football at. Thanks, Miss A.”

He wanders away, but the smile stays on Addie’sface. As proud as she is of that kid, I’m even more proud of her. Because she saw his potential and helped him get to this point.

“You want some?” Miller says, holding something out to Holly. Is that a flask? Leave it to Miller to embrace the full spirit of prom as though he were still an underage high schooler.

Holly visibly recoils. “No! I’m pregnant.”

Addie’s mouth falls open. “You’re pregnant?” She glances at Miller with disdain. “I’ll deal with you in a minute.”

The two girls fall together, their faces lighting up with smiles.

“When did you find out? How far along are you?”

Holly’s face is flushed. “Just a few weeks ago. I’m only nine weeks. I wasn’t going to tell anyone yet, but it kind of slipped out.”

Yeah, it wouldn’t be the first time one of Miller’s harebrained ideas pushed people a little too far.

Addie’s smile mirrors Holly’s. “I’m so excited! I can’t wait to be an aunt. We have to plan a baby shower.”

Maddox walks back up to the group, all of us doing a piss-poor job at actually supervising the teenagers.

“Congrats, daddy,” Miller says, holding out the flask.

Maddox’s eyes widen. He looks from Miller to Holly, and his expression softens. “Couldn’t keep it in, could you?”

She shrugs, but it doesn’t dim her smile.

“I’m glad you caved. It was torture keeping it from these guys.” He takes a swig from the flask, then raises a brow. “Is this apple juice?”

Miller snatches the flask back and sips from it with all the air of a gentleman. “Yeah. Who the hell would bring booze to a high school prom? I figured it might be fun to give it to one of the kids and see if they thought they were drunk. Gotta amuse myself somehow, right?”

Yeah, that sounds about right. Miller’s known for his pranks, but he’s generally a good guy, and the pranks are mostly harmless.

Addie snatches the flask out of his hands with a groan. “Dear lord. It’s more work to supervise you than the kids.” She holds her hand out. “Give me the vape, too. I’m going to go put all of this in the car. Anyone else have any contraband they want to add to this pile?”

Miller hands over a pack of candy cigarettes.

Addie rolls her eyes. “Don’t do anything stupidwhile I’m gone. Holly, want to come with me? I need some girl time.”

Addie and Holly disappear through the gym doors, leaving me, Maddox and Miller in charge, the blind leading the blind.

Miller leans against the wall. “Man. Spoil all my fun.” He lets out a sigh. “I think I’m in a rut, you guys. I think I need a change.”