I look at the cover as I pay for our purchases. Extra challenging? And a pen, not a pencil. Every day I learn something new about Addie, and it makes me like her even more. God knows I’d never be able to finish one of these crosswords. Sudoku I can do. Word games, not so much.
We pick two seats by our gate. Addie pulls out her crosswords and goes to work, the tip of her tonguesticking out the side of her mouth adorably as she works.
I try to focus on my book, but every few minutes I look over at Addie, who’s engrossed in the puzzle. She manages to finish one puzzle entirely and is starting on another when they start to board the plane.
I elbow her gently. “Addie, we’re boarding.”
Her head pops up. “Huh?”
I nod toward the gate. “They’re boarding first class. That’s us.”
She shoves the crosswords into her backpack which holds the few possessions we have with us and stands to board the plane.
I’ve flown first class, but only once, for a friend’s bachelor party in Vegas. But all the flying to tournaments adds up, and I was able to upgrade us with miles. I forgot how nice it is. It’s almost worth paying for. Addie and I settle into the seats, enjoying the extra space. A flight attendant offers us drinks before takeoff.
“This is amazing,” Addie whispers to me, sipping on her soda. “I don’t know if I want to go back to flying in the cheap seats after this. When do we get to join the Mile High Club?”
“Totally worth it,” I sigh, leaning against the head rest as I wait for takeoff and doing my best to lookrelaxed, even though I’m pretty sure Addie can tell that my entire body is tight with the anticipation of joining the Mile High Club with her. “And once we’re actually a mile high. It doesn’t count if we’re still on the runway.”
An hour into the flight, Addie leans over. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
I lift an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
She wiggles her own eyebrows at me. “I’ll be waiting.” She unbuckles her seatbelt and heads for the front of the plane.
This is the dream, right? Flying first class with a girl who wants to join the Mile High Club. I mentally high five teenage Cam. If only that pimply, scrawny kid could see me now.
I give it a couple of minutes, then make my way toward the bathroom and knock gently. The door cracks open. I squeeze in, and immediately I realize why this is a fantasy, not reality.
There’s barely enough room in here for one person.
But this was Addie’s idea, and if this is what she wants, I’m going to make it happen.
Addie shimmies her hips as she takes her pantsdown. I fumble with my belt buckle, my elbow smacking the door.Smooth, Cam.
I size up the situation. There’s not much room here, and I don’t have much faith in the door to support me fucking Addie up against it, let alone how loud that would probably be. So maybe… “Turn around,” I whisper.
She does, putting her back to my front—and almost falling into the toilet.
“Shit!” she whispers loudly as she closes the lid.
I work my pants down awkwardly. Teenage Cam would never forgive me if I had the opportunity to join the Mile High Club and let it pass by. We’re doing this. No matter how ungraceful this may be.
And it’sreallyfucking ungraceful.
“Take your underwear off,” I whisper to Addie. I run my hand over her ass as she pulls them down. I’m starting to think that maybe this could work when an elbow catches me in the gut.
“Oof,” I say, trying to catch my breath.
“Crap. Sorry,” she says, trying to turn around.
Someone knocks on the door.
“Uh, one minute!” I call. This is not going the way I envisioned.
Addie elbows me again, this time missing my balls by a mere inch. This is fucking dangerous.
A roar fills the small space, and Addie lets out a little scream, startling me.