Page 47 of Letting it Ride

For the first time in my life, Hurricane Addie doesn’t end with slamming doors and more tears and everyone in a bad mood. It doesn’t end with people mocking me or me feeling like some out-of-control kid that’s ruining everything. It just… ends. Without judgment.

“A-ha!” Cam emerges from the bathroom, holding something aloft. “A hairdryer!”

We have a late dinner in the hotel restaurant, where we stuff ourselves again on conch fritters. It’s one of the things the island is known for, and for good reason. I think I could eat these every day and be deliriously happy.

We close ourselves back in our room after dinner. I flop on the bed furthest from the door, my stomach full.

“Hey, Addie?” Cam says, sitting on the edge of the other bed.

“Ugh. So full,” I groan, patting my belly.

“Can I use your phone? Mine is on the ship. I want to see if I can find flights home.”

I turn my head and point to my backpack on the floor. “It’s in there. Give me a minute, and I’ll grab it for you.”

He picks up the bag and carries it to the bed while I manage to sit up. I unzip it and go through the contents, handing the phone to him after I unlock it.

Looks like I’m down to some sunscreen and my wallet. In retrospect, I wish I hadn’t packed so light, but I suppose the essentials are my passport and things in my wallet. And a phone. I’m not sure how we’d book flights without it.

What did people do for travel before apps?

Cam taps on my phone for a few minutes. “I can get us on a flight tomorrow at 5 a.m., or the next day at noon.”

Cam at 5 a.m.? Yeah, right. And while the idea of being here one-on-one with Cam has me a little nervous, it’s not any different from what we were doing on the cruise, not really. Plus, this might be my one and only chance to really experience the Bahamas.I’m not sure I can make a trip like this happen again any time soon.

I bite my lip. “Honestly? If you’re okay with it, we could do the next day. Maybe enjoy one more day here in Nassau. Then you wouldn’t have to wake up super early.”

One side of his mouth lifts in a smile. “Yeah. Good point.” He taps a few more things. “There. We’re booked. And now we have a whole extra day to enjoy. What do you want to do tomorrow?”

I look down at my arm. The injury is going to put a damper on things, that’s for sure. “I think maybe just the beach or relaxing at the pool. I can’t do too much more with my arm. But if you want to—”

Cam is already shaking his head. “I just want to hang out with you, Addie. Today has been really fun, the hospital visit aside. I don’t need to do some crazy adventure thing. Let’s do the beach or the pool or both, and some good cocktails. Sound good?”

A smile spreads over my face. “That sounds amazing.”

“Good. Now, get your ass over here and let’s watch a movie or something before bed.”

I climb onto the bed next to Cam. He helps me fluff the pillows behind me, so I don’thave to use my injured arm, and once I’m settled, he hands me the remote.

“Pick a movie. No porn.” He gives me a pointed look.

I snort as I start to flip through channels, pausing at Hallmark. I honestly love their movies. They’re predictable in a good way. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, everyone lives happily ever after. I bite my lip and scroll past it, though. Cam probably wants something more manly.

“Wait, go back,” he demands.

I look at him, confused. He can’t be serious.

“What was that one on Hallmark?”

I click back a few channels. “You don’t have to watch a Hallmark movie for me, Cam. It’s okay.”

He leans over and slings an arm around my shoulder to pull me close, then plucks the remote out of my hand with a grin. “I love these movies. Please?”

He wasn’t lying. Cam is more into this movie than I am. I’m enjoying it too, though, and about halfway through I realize I’ve relaxed into the bed enough that I’m pressing into Cam’s side.

Memories of our time in the pool come floodingback. The heat of his body against mine, his strong arms pulling me into him. And the utter humiliation when he pulled away from me and gave me a lecture about how we can’t play like that.

I shift to move away from him. I’m having a good time just being with him, and I don’t want to ruin it. If there’s any chance for us, I’m realizing it won’t come from me pushing him.