Page 43 of Letting it Ride

I shake my head, biting my cheek to keep from laughing. She may be a bad driver—I’ve witnessed it firsthand—but this one wasn’t her fault. “This one isn’t on you, Addie. ATVs are supposed to go over anything. I’m sure you just hit something, and it was a freak accident. I’m just glad the ATV didn’t land on you.”

She pales at the idea. “Was it close?”

I close my eyes, reliving the scene I can’t get out of my mind. “Yeah. Too close.”

“Oh.” She swallows. “I guess I’m lucky that just my arm got hurt.”

The doctor chooses that moment to walk in, a stethoscope draped around his neck. I stand up, leaving Addie alone on the bed as the doctor asks her all the same questions the nurse did before examining her arm. When I get a closer look as he pulls the cloth away, I see it’s a deep wound. She must have hit a rock or something when she fell.

“I’m going to have to stitch this up,” the doctor announces in the same accented English as the nurse, sitting back. “I’ll numb the area, so you won’t feel anything.”

Addie winces. When he comes back in with supplies, she gives me a pleading look until I move closer. She clings to my hand in a vise-like grip whilethe doctor works, not letting go until he secures a bandage over the area.

“Now, you’ll need to have the stitches taken out in seven to fourteen days and monitor it to make sure it doesn’t get infected. Ibuprofen should be enough for the pain, but I’ll give you a prescription for a few tablets of something stronger, just in case. There’s a pharmacy on the way out where you can fill it.”

Addie nods as she takes everything in.

“Now, avoid using that arm as much as possible. Are you right-handed?”

Addie shakes her head. “Left-handed. I’m the only leftie in my family.”

I can see the realization dawning that her dominant hand is the one attached to her injured arm. Her expression immediately darkens.

The doctor continues his instructions while scribbling something on a chart. “Ah. Well, you may need to have help with some things for a day or two so you can rest your arm to let it heal. Are you and your boyfriend staying on the island for long?”

We both quickly shake our heads.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Addie says, just as I interject, “We’re leaving today.”

The doctor looks amused but visibly works to hidehis smile. “I’ll get your paperwork ready so you can head out. Enjoy your vacation.”

He exits the room, and Addie and I glance at one another.

“I’m not sure I’m going to be able to deal tonight at the casino,” she says.

I sit down next to her. “That’s not a problem. You just take it easy. I’ll help you out.”

She wraps a lock of hair around her finger, using her right hand for a change. “I’m sorry, Cam,” she mumbles.

I take her hand, forcing her to release the hair. “You said that already. And it’s fine. There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

“Okay. Thank you.” She looks down at her shirt, the sleeve torn and covered with drying blood. “I brought an extra shirt. It’s in my bag. I don’t know why I thought I’d need one, but I guess it’s a good thing I packed it. Can you grab it from my backpack?”

I pick up the bag from where it’s resting on the floor and undo the zipper, then place it on the bed between us.

Addie shuffles through it and pulls out a shirt. “Go out there while I change.” She motions to the hallway with the shirt in her hand.

“Um, Addie,” I say gently, “you might need help.”

She cranes her neck to look down at the bandage. “Shit.”

I let out a small laugh. “Yeah. It’s not exactly convenient.”

She chews on her lip. “Um. Can you help? If you don’t mind. I don’t want it to be weird.”

“It’s not weird, Addie. You don’t even have to ask. It’s fine.” I take the shirt from her and shake it open to find the Phillies logo looking back at me. “I didn’t know you were into baseball.”

“Yeah. I don’t really follow it, but I like going to games. Hockey, too.”