Page 38 of Letting it Ride

Cam nods. “Good. Four of a kind with a queen kicker.”

He looks at the other players, two young men who are clearly very much in love and also very much cheating by looking at one another’s cards. I hide a smile as the taller one leans over to analyze his partner’s cards.

“Four of a kind for both of us. Ace high for me.Tyler has a jack high. So does that mean I win?” Tyler’s partner asks.

“Indeed, it does. So, when you get a rare deal like this, with four of a kind in the community cards, it comes down to who has the highest card in addition to the four of a kind. Congratulations.” Cam motions toward the poster. “The only hands higher than four of a kind are a straight flush or a royal flush, which no one would have with four of a kind showing.”

Harper has been quietly standing a little too close to Cam, watching this all play out while she sips her drink.

Cam gathers the chips together. “Let’s take a break. If you’d like to gamble for real money, there are two other tables open. If you’re up for more lessons, come on back here in, say”—he looks at the clock across the room—“ten minutes.”

The players vacate the table while I reshuffle the cards.

Harper slides into the seat next to Cam and hands him a glass. “I got you a Jameson on the rocks. You seem like a whiskey kind of guy.” She grins.

I can’t read the expression on Cam’s face, but he pushes it back toward Harper. I’m not sure he is a whiskey guy. I’ve never seen him drink at all, now thatI think of it. He’s never made a big deal of it, but he’s also never talked about it, at least to me.

He puts on a polite smile. “No, thanks. Just a soda is good for me. Or a water.”

“Aw, come on,” Harper whines, nudging him with her bony shoulder. “Live a little, loosen up. It’ll make things more fun later.”

A muscle ticks in Cam’s jaw. “No, thank you.”

Harper is either oblivious to Cam’s mood or is simply choosing not to care. “I just want to have fun with you tonight, Cam. Having one drink won’t hurt. Come on.”

Being a high school teacher, I’m familiar with this kind of peer pressure, but we’re well past that stage. It’s not cool anymore. I’m not sure it ever was, to be honest.

Cam turns and looks her square in the face. There’s an edge to his voice I’ve never heard before. “Harper, I said no thank you. I think you should find someone else to have fun with tonight.” He stands and walks away.

My eyes widen at the blatant rejection. Do I go with him? I look at Harper, wondering if I should say something, but she looks unaffected by Cam’s blowoff. She takes the glass she brought for him and tips it back,draining it in one sip before she stands and walks off without saying anything to me.

Guess I know where I stand with both of them.

I keep shuffling cards to give my hands something to do, my gaze wandering around the room. Cam is by the bar, holding a glass of something that looks like cola. Even from across the room, it’s obvious how tightly he’s gripping the edge of the bar with his other hand.

He seemed fine before Harper brought him a drink. Did I miss something?

He was fine when we headed to the casino tonight. He was fine while we were playing, even when Harper first showed up. His mood seemed to turn when she brought him the drink.

“You look like a natural with the cards.”

I startle at the voice and look up to find Grant standing next to me. He cleans up well. The scruff I remember from earlier in the gym is gone, and he’s clean shaven. He looked good in workout clothes, but the slacks and golf shirt he’s in now are even better suited to him. He’s attractive by any definition.

But despite all of that, I still don’t feel a spark. Not like with Cam.

I give him a smile anyway. I can be friendly without encouraging anything. “Hi, Grant. Thanks. I’ve beenplaying cards a long time. My friend and I are actually giving poker lessons tonight, if you’re interested. He should be back in a few minutes, and we’ll start a new round.”

Grant nods thoughtfully, bringing a wine glass to his lips. “I’m not sure he was the biggest fan of me, honestly, but thank you for the invitation. So, do you have to stay at the table? Would you be able to get a drink in a little bit? I was enjoying getting to know you earlier.”

Dammit, he’s cute. And single. And interested. Why can’t I be into him? Why do I have to be so hung up on Cam?

I sigh internally, glad that I can at least hold it together on the outside. “It was nice getting to know you, too, Grant. But… I’m not really looking for something right now. My personal life is complicated.”

It makes me feel even worse that he’s not angry or upset.

Grant just smiles, nodding wistfully. “Well, thank you for being honest. I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I understand. You’ll make some lucky guy very happy one day, Addison.” He lifts his glass in a mock toast, then turns and saunters away.

I watch his retreating form for a minute, then look back to Cam at the bar. He seems to have relaxed alittle, and he’s smiling and laughing with the bartender. My heart warms at the thought of spending all day with him tomorrow.