“You’re not okay?” I look her over for injuries. Maybe I let myself get too lost in her.Dammit, Cam. You’re supposed to take care of her. Not paw at her like that. “Did I pull too tight? Shit, Addie, I’m sorry.” I never should have grabbed her that way. What’s wrong with me?
Addie blows out a breath while I’m still talking. “I’m fine, Cam. You don’t have to apologize,” she mumbles.
A wave of relief rushes over me that she’s alright. “I do, though, Addie. I shouldn’t be touching you like that. Not when you’re wearing…” I motion at her outfit. One breast has nearly escaped its confines in the fall.
Addie looks down and adjusts herself while I do my best to look away, aching to touch her again. “What’s so wrong with me, Cam?”
“Huh?” I’m not sure I understand the question, because there’s nothing at all wrong with her. She’s so fucking close to perfect it astounds me that no one has taken her off the market yet.
“Why are you so repulsed by me that you can’t even touch me? Grant is obviously interested. What’s so wrong with me that you won’t even look at me?” The anger is there, but it’s fading, and there’s anundertone of something else taking its place. Pain or vulnerability, maybe?
My voice softens. “Addie, nothing is wrong with you.”You’re perfectis what I want to say, but even I know that’s crossing a line.
She huffs out a breath. “I’m a grown-up, Cam. Who my brother is has nothing to do with who I can sleep with.”
Not what I was going for. I suppress a groan. “Addie, I—”
“What, Cam? You don’t want to think of me dating? Sleeping with someone? Is that it?” she fires back.
That’s exactly it, in fact, but I’m not sure saying that would go over well. “He’s my best friend. You’re his baby sister. You were like thirteen the first time I met you, for Christ’s sake.” How is she not getting this?
“He’s not even my real brother. We’re adopted. You know that.”
I sigh. “Addie, that’s not the point here.”
“So, what is the point? I’m twenty-seven years old, Cam. You can obviously flirt with whoever you want. Why can’t I?”
“Jesus, Addie. You can flirt if you want. I just… I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all. You don’t know this guy.” I’m not sure how to end this conversation, this fight. I hate fighting with Addie, but if she needs to get things off her chest, I can at least do that for her.
Addie’s eyes are blazing, a flush rising in her cheeks. For a second, I let myself wonder if this is what she looks like in bed, when she comes. When she’s screaming a man’s name.
A muscle twitches in my jaw. I don’t want to think of her screaming anyone’s name but mine.
She crosses her arms over her chest. “Cam, get a grip on reality. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
Addie spins around and stalks toward the bathroom door while I stand there, trying to find the words to explain my reasoning. I’m the one in control here. I’m in the right.
She looks over her shoulder, door in hand. “Now, toss me some clothes. I’m going to change. In here, so I don’t offend your fragile eyes.”
I open the closet and pick a t-shirt and shorts off the tops of the piles of clothing. I check to make sure they’ll cover her enough so that I don’t need to pluck my eyes out, then toss the clothes her way.
She catches them easily and looks at what I’ve supplied. A scoff blows from her lips. “No underwear, huh? Guess I don’t need any.” She slams the door.
I sink down on the small sofa, wincing at how hardit is. I don’t want to think about Addie’s underwear. Or her not wearing underwear. Jesus, fuck.
I realize with a start that there’s no winning here, is there? Either I have to go through her underwear or put her in a situation to wear none.
No winning for me, I mean. Either option is meant to torture me. She’s obviously the winner, if people can win at a fight like this.
Shit.Where does this leave me? And where does it leave the two of us? If this were any other girl, Maddox is who I’d be turning to for advice. But he’s away on his honeymoon, and I’m not going to intrude on that. Miller would just make a joke. Blake is firmly anti-romance at the moment.
And if I can’t be objective about Addie, there’s no way in hell any of the guys can. Especially not Maddox.
The fire seems to have died down a little when the bathroom door opens again. Addie is in the t-shirt I picked, but she’s twisted it up into something that bares her abs. The shorts are low on her hips, and all I can think is,She’s not wearing underwear.
I really need to get a grip here.
I take a breath. “Addie, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be a dick. Let’s back up here.”