1. He’s really bad at cornhole. I think he’s missed every shot he’s taken, and I’m carrying the team.
2. He’s definitely interested in me. He’s flirting and finding every possible excuse to touch me. Unlike Cam, who couldn’t get away from me fast enough.
There is no number three. That’s all I’ve learned. But that’s all I need to know. He’s cute, single, and interested. All perfect ingredients for a vacation fling. Right?
I’m feeling better about myself after Cam’s brush-off, too. This is an attractive guy, around my age,single, and he’s into me. There isn’t the same spark or tension that I feel with Cam, and I’m not totally sold on hooking up with Grant. But all I wanted was to know that I’m desirable, and Grant has alreadyconfirmed that.
I heft the beanbag in my hand, balancing a cocktail in the other, and toss it underhand, watching it arc through the air and hit the board, sliding a few inches before it drops through the hole.
“Nice shot!” Grant puts an arm around my shoulder and squeezes.
I grin up at him. “Thanks. All up to you now.”
He groans good-naturedly and picks up a beanbag. “This is going to be the one. Wish me luck.” He leans his face down toward me. I plant a kiss on his cheek, mostly because it seems awkward not to.
Grant lets the beanbag sail through the air, making a perfect arc to land two feet beyond the target.
I laugh. “Oh, well. It’s a good thing I don’t like you for your cornhole skills.”
He joins me in laughter. “Good thing. How are you doing with your drink? Need another one?”
I look at the plastic cup I’m holding. It only has a few sips left, so I tip it back and drain the rest of the cocktail. “Sure. Another one would be great.”
Grant winks at me and heads to the bar.
I pull my phone out of my back pocket while I wait.
I’m flirting with a guy! I think. He seems into me, at least.
Things working with Cam?
*frown emoji* No.
You found someone else already? Jesus, Addie.
Is it bad if I just want to flirt with him to make Cam jealous? Or to make myself feel better?
Is that what you’re doing? He’s a human, Addie, or I assume he is. He has feelings too.
Crap. He’s coming back.
I slide the phone back in my pocket and accept the drink Grant hands me. It’s strong when I sip at it, and I’m already feeling tipsy. I’ll have to pace myself.
“At the risk of embarrassing myself further, do you want to play another round? Or they have some beach volleyball, shuffleboard…” Grant looks around, biting his lip. “And ping pong. Any interest?”
I take another sip. I’m not sure beach volleyball is the best idea right now. My tits are barely contained as it is, and while I’m enjoying the ego boost from Grant’s flirting, I don’t want to lead him on. Annika has a point there.
“Let’s play ping pong,” I suggest.
He holds out a hand to help me up from the beach chair I sat in while I was waiting for him to come back with our drinks, and he keeps holding my hand while we walk over to the tables.
After Grant’s poor showing at cornhole, I was expecting to carry the team, but he’s actually good. Like,reallygood.
I, on the other hand… let’s just say racquet sports aren’t my forte.