Those moments in the pool we were so close to—well, something. Obviously not sex, since we were in public. But there was a spark, wasn’t there? There was this electricity, this tension between us. He had to have felt it.
And then he pulled away. Not just a normal backing up, even. He couldn’t get away from me fast enough. He practically jumped out of the pool. And then to flirt with Harper right in front of me? I mean, I get it—she’s all skinny and tan with her perfect blonde hair and the way she sways her hips when she walks, but it almost seemed like she was doing it on purpose.
What the hell, Cam?
I was worried that he’d interpret my yelling at him last night as a tantrum, yet another strike in the Addie’s-too-young column or whatever other reason he’s using as an excuse to stay away.
But it didn’t seem like he saw me that way when we were in the pool. For about half a second, I thought there was a chance.
Some people would view this as a loss. But I’m playing the long game. I place my bets, then let it ride. I straighten my shoulders as I walk and lift my chin.Something affected him.Iaffected him. I smile to myself.It’s a start.
The ocean breeze sweeps across my chest as I tuck my phone into my back pocket and lean over the railing of the ship, ignoring the emails from work as I remind myself that I’m on vacation. I physically can’t tutor Rudy this week since I’m out of town, but somehow telling his momnofeels too confrontational.
The warm touch of air reminds me that this bikini is really leaving the girls on display. The sea stretches endlessly towards the horizon. It gives me hope.
If I can’t see land, I have time.
The sheer number of things to do on this cruise ship is amazing. So many places to be on my own; I can simply avoid Cam for a few hours while he gets his shit together.
Decided, I grab some lunch at one of the little cafe options, a chicken salad wrap and some barbecue-flavored chips that I munch on while I walk along the deck and watch the ocean. The movie theater is showing one of my all-time favorite movies, Sleepless in Seattle, so I spend a few hours there before wandering around the ship again for a while.
I’m feeling a bit more relaxed now. Maybe I’ll even take a trip to the spa, get a massage or something before I have to get dressed for dinner and get ready to work in the casino tonight.
Last night, Cam and I both worked as dealers, but tonight he starts the gig he was really hired for: teaching people strategy and how to play poker well. I just get to deal for him. I haven’t decided if it’s good or bad that we have to work together.
Pro: More time with Cam, with the ability to brush up against him frequently and try to get him to notice me.
Con: If Harper shows up and he flirts with her, there may be no stopping Hurricane Addie.
That’s what my family called it when I was a teenager. You’ve heard of the famous redhead temper? Well, it exists. When things would set me off, I’d storm through the house, targeting anything or anyone in my way.
In my defense, they kind of goaded me on when I got in those moods.
But no Hurricane Addie this week. I can hold it together. I’m a cool, collected, mature woman who is worthy of a man’s attention. Specifically, Cam’s.
My hours of wandering the ship’s decks have done wonders for my ego, at least. It turns out when youwalk around in practically nothing, it does indeed draw men’s attention. So I’ve got that going for me. I’m not the most experienced in this brazen flirting, so it’s nice to see it’s working in some ways.
Just not with Cam, apparently.
I sigh as I watch the unchanging horizon.
“You look like you’re deep in thought,” a voice behind me says.
I look up to find the dark-haired man from earlier in the gym. He has a cleft in his jaw that makes him seem rugged, even in a Hawaiian shirt that has the top two buttons undone.
I give him a smile. “I was. But I’m happy to be interrupted.”
“Addison, right? We met earlier in the gym. I’m Grant.” He holds out his hand, and I take it.
“I do remember you. Good to see you again.”
He smiles, revealing a row of almost too-perfect white teeth. “I don’t want to disturb you, if you were contemplating something important. But if you’re not locked into your musings, I’m looking for a partner for some of the lawn games they’re playing down there.” He motions behind me. “You interested? It’s silly stuff, cornhole and shuffleboard and things like that.”
Cam is on the upper deck, still at the pool as far as I know. And I’ve done enough brooding for the day.The idea of playing some low-stakes games seems like a great way to take my mind off of things with Cam.
I flash a beaming grin. “You know what? That sounds great.”
I’ve learned a few things about Grant since we started playing: