Page 20 of Letting it Ride

The bed moves slightly as she climbs onto the top bunk and tosses herself back and forth, getting comfortable for the night. I wait until she stops moving and her breathing evens out before I slip out of my bed and head into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I stare at myself in the mirror. It’s so small that I can barely see my whole head at once. “What the fuck are you doing, Cam?” I whisper to my reflection.

I’ve always thought Addie was cute, liked to tease her. I maybe even had a little crush on her at one point. But it’s never gone beyond that. Besides my loyalty to Maddox, I’ve never let myself think of her as more.

I spit the foam out after brushing and grip the sides of the sink. Addie is off limits. Don’t even think about her like that.

Just don’t.



To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]



Did you forget about your plants? I’ve been watering them. You’re welcome. You can pay me back in pizza when you’re back. How’s your crush? You have Wi-Fi there, right? Send me a text. I need to hear the play-by-play!


Istretch in the bed, my arms reaching out as far as they can without hitting the wall. I peek down to realize my nipples are beaded into stiff points that are easily visible beneath the sheer tank top I wore to bed, and I jerk the covers up to hide them before I realize it’s silent in here.

I pick my head up from the pillow and look around. “Cam?” I call quietly. Maybe he’s still asleep.

I kind of hope he is, actually. I realized last night that I didn’t have any pajamas. I knew I was forgetting something. Maybe I should have focused on exactly what I was putting in my duffel bag instead of daydreaming about Cam.

Anyway, it seems like those daydreams are just going to remain fantasies for now.

After I came out of the bathroom, Cam seemed like he was asleep. I was kind of relieved that I didn’t have to fight with him. I have a fiery temper, one I like to attribute to the redhead in me, and I can usually carry an argument on long enough to win. But buried beneath the relief of avoiding confrontation, I was almost… disappointed.

I thought maybe, justmaybe, we were getting somewhere with having a conversation. Like maybethere was a chance he was seeing me as an adult that he could actually talk to.

I don’t really know why. It’s not like he’s shown much interest in me other than pulling me away from the guys at the poker table, and that seemed more big-brother-y than the protective urges of a guy who’s into you. Most of his attention last night seemed to go to Harper.

I sigh and stretch again. I wasn’t sure last night if he was fast asleep or if he was going to wake up if I made too much noise, so I did my best to shimmy into a tank top and out of my clothes under my covers, just in case. As much as I want him to see me as a dating prospect, I don’t think the first thing he wants to see in the morning is my barely-covered ass, especially before he has his coffee.

I hold on to the railing and peer down at the bottom bunk.

No Cam. The sheets are pulled up and nicely tucked in. He made his bed on a cruise ship? I have questions. About the made bed, as well as the fact that Mr. Night Owl was up before me.

I climb down the ladder, leaving my sheets messy, and try the bathroom door. It swings open, but no Cam. Huh.

I look around for some clue as to where he’s gone and finally spy a note on the couch.


Went to grab a smoothie and then to work out. Planning to be at the pool later if you want to meet me there.


He woke up and left the cabin to work out? That reeks of him avoiding me. I’ve never known him to voluntarily do anything before 10 a.m.

But now that I think of it, getting a workout in seems like a good idea. I need to burn off some of this frustration. And I need to figure out exactly what my game plan is here. My original plan ofshow up and show some skindoesn’t seem to be working so far. It’s been less than twenty-four hours, but we’re on a tight schedule here.