Messy emotions aside, there’s no way I can bring agirl back to the cabin I’m sharing with Addison even if I wanted to. I don’t think having sex while Addie’s on the top bunk would count as “looking out for Maddox’s sister.”
“Addie, let’s head back,” I say as I near her table.
The two men who are still talking to her—flirting, I can tell now that I’m closer—pause and look over their shoulders at me. They both look too old for her, too experienced, too—well, everything. She needs to stay away from guys like that.
Addie raises an eyebrow at me and turns her charm back to the men. “Would you excuse me, boys? I’ll be here tomorrow night. Look forward to talking with you then.” She beams.
I’d really rather she not talk to them at all, but there’s no need to make a scene. I wait to move until she rounds the table to stand next to me. We walk together out of the makeshift casino—it’s some other kind of activity space during the daytime, apparently—and along the dock.
“How was your evening dealing cards?” Addie asks. She glances over her shoulder at the men we just left before looking up at me.
I blow out a breath. “It was good. Kind of boring, but fun. Did you have fun?”
That smile stretches across her face again. God, she’s gorgeous. “I did. It was so much fun. I’ve never really dealt cards other than in family games, so I loved it. Everyone was so friendly.”
Looking at Addie, that beaming smile across her gorgeous face and her collared shirt unbuttoned just enough to give a hint of cleavage, I can see why everyone was so friendly. I realize I’m looking down Addie’s shirt and jerk my gaze upward to Heaven, to atone for my sins or something.
Off limits.
“You and Harper seem to be getting along,” she says cautiously.
There’s a hint of something in her voice, a tone I can’t quite read. “Yeah. She seems cool.” That’s about all I can say about Harper so far.
“The guys at my table tonight seemed really nice, too. Maybe I’ll see them again tomorrow.” Addie winds a strand of her long hair around her finger.
I shake my head. Over my dead body. “Addie, be careful. You don’t know who these guys are. It’s fine to be friendly and all while you’re dealing cards, but don’t get roped into other things. I don’t know what you were expecting this week, but Maddox will have my assif you do something dumb and I don’t look out for you. You have to be safe.”
“But you can hook up with our boss?” There’s a hint of jealousy in her voice.
I sigh and pull on the back of my neck.Shit.This is not going well. “Addie, I’m not hooking up with her. She asked me to get a drink. And it’s none of your business.”
She whirls on me, fire flashing in her eyes. “That’s literally the same thing I was doing, Cam. I met a couple guys. They wanted to flirt. Maybe I did, too. Who cares? End of story. And I’ll echo right back to you: It’s none ofyourbusiness. So stay the fuck out of it.”
She yanks open the door to our cabin and stalks inside.
Shit. She has a point, but I need to shut this down. “Don’t say the F word,” I retort as she slams the bathroom door.
Don’t say the F word? Where the fuck did I come up with that? She’s not a third grader.
She opens the door and pokes her head out. “How the fuck old do you think I am, Cam? I’m a fucking adult. I’ll say fuck whenever the fuck I fucking feel like it. And fuck whoever I fucking want to.” She slams it again, and I hear theclickof the lock engaging.
I wince. She has a point, but I don’t want a fight, especially not tonight, and I’ve been around Addison enough to know when Hurricane Addie is about to blow through. Definitely not something I want to deal with tonight. It’s the coward’s way out, but I’m going to lie low and let the storm pass over.
I’m not ready to admit that it’s not just her temper I’m avoiding.
I climb into my bottom bunk and turn the light off, then close my eyes. For now, Addie is safe and sound in our cabin, and I don’t need to worry about the guys she was talking to. It’s not that I don’t want her dating or anything. That’s really not my business. She can hook up with whoever she wants.
I just want to keep her safe. That’s all.
But if I’m honest, it’s not that. I don’t like the thought of her with any man. And that’s exactly what I’m not ready to think about.
And I know if we keep having this conversation, I’ll not only think it; there’s a damn good chance I’ll say it, and that’s not fair to Addie. She doesn’t need to know how fucked-up my thoughts are right now.
When the bathroom door pushes open, I concentrate on slowing my breathing.
“Cam?” Addie whispers. Her voice is husky, and the sound goes straight to my dick.
I don’t respond. I pray that she can’t see the clench of my jaw in the dark.