Page 13 of Letting it Ride

There’s not much to take in. A toilet, an itty-bitty corner shower that looks like I’ll have to duck to get my head under the spray, and a sink that’s barely large enough to wash my hands. But again, not complaining.Freetrip. And I promised Miller I’d shower while I was looking for my rebound, so I will. Just in a very… small shower.

I go back to the bed—it takes eight steps, I counted—and open my duffel bag. I may as well put some things away, since I don’t have much to do until abouteight o’clock tonight, when we’re working in the casino. Maybe dinner, I guess, if Maddox ever gets here.

I put a couple pairs of swim trunks on the shelf and hang a few t-shirts on the remaining hangers. My fingers brush against my phone at the bottom of my bag, but I resist the temptation to look.

I’m trying to figure out where in the world to put my toothbrush—yeah, the sink is that small—when I hear Harper’s voice again, and the door to my quarters opens.

I push open the bathroom door, wondering whether Maddox is finally here or if Harper just forgot something. I step out just in time for a sweep of red hair and a smattering of freckles to hit me like a gut punch.

Long pale legs stretch down from cut-off denim shorts that are so short I can almost see the curve of her ass. A cropped tee barely contains a pair of tits I know I shouldn’t be staring at, but I can’t look away from them. Caramel-brown eyes meet my gaze, and I feel myself start to melt in their heat before I pull myself back and try to figure out what the hell is going on.

What the fuck is Addie Anderson doing here?



To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]

Subject:Re: Senior class advisor

Hi Ms. Anderson,

Have you given more thought to being senior class advisor? It’s just a few months, until the end of the school year. If you’re okay with it, can you finalize a list of prom themes and ideas for graduation celebrations over this week off and have them sent to me on Monday when we return?

Patricia Smith

Vice Principal, Bryn Mawr HighSchool

To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]

Subject:(no subject)


Have a great time on your cruise! When are you going to be back? Josie and Chris are in town with the kids, house sitting and dog sitting while Maddox and Holly are away on their honeymoon! Remember all the avocados they went through last time they were here? Now Julio is getting obsessed with avocado toast. I’ve created a monster.


Cam pulls a hand through his sandy brown hair as his gaze rakes down my body. A rush of heat goes through me, wondering if he’s finallyseeingme. But when he meets my gaze, his brows are furrowed in confusion and his blue eyes flash with… anger?

Fuck. He’s not just confused. He’s pissed off, too. Shit. This combination of emotions points to one very obvious conclusion.

He had no idea I was coming.

And now I’m furious, as well. Maddox said he was going to text him. He hadonefucking job.

It’s not hard at all to see it from Cam’s perspective, and I can’t help but be mad on his behalf. Picture this scenario: Cam books this vacation planning on spending some time with his best friend. Then said friend bails, and not only does henottell Cam, but he sends me, his little sister, in his place.

I’m going to kill Maddox. But from Cam’s expression, I might have to wait my turn.

“Okay, have fun! Cam can fill you in. He has all the details. See you guys soon!” the too-cheerful event coordinator chirps from behind me, completely oblivious to the tension that fills the room.

She shuts the door behind her. It latches with a thud, and the air in the small room suddenly thickens even further, making it hard to breathe.