Page 81 of Going All In

“I’ve seen him, but not as his social worker. I had to give his case to one of my colleagues. Conflict of interest and all that.” A flash of pain makes its way across her face, and I squeeze her into my side.

The door opens to reveal a small boy with dark hair and light brown skin. He’s wearing what must be brand-new Nike sneakers, a royal blue sweatshirt with the NASA logo, and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

“Miss Holly!” he cries out, jumping into her arms.

Holly is wearing an identical expression as she folds him into a hug. “Julio, it’s so good to see you! I’ve missed you so much, kiddo. Are you having fun here? Do you like Judy and my dad? Robert?”

She releases him, and Julio steps back, nodding. “They’re so cool. I love it here.” A worried expression crosses his face, his tiny brows knitting together. “I hope I don’t have to leave.”

“That’s not something you need to worry about, Julio. Remember?” Judy appears behind him, placing her hands on his small shoulders. “Come in, you guys. It’s good to see you.”

We make our way into the house, each of us receiving a hug from my mom. As it turns out, all of the Anderson kids are here. Addie is curled in an armchair, and Josie and Chris are cuddled together on one of the couches, looking happier than I’ve seen Josie in a long time. We were all here for Thanksgiving—most of us—but it feels different today. More cohesive, like we’re one big family. We are, I guess. It’s been just mom and us kids for so long, but we feel complete now.

Mom drops onto the couch opposite us, with Julio sandwiched between her and Robert. He looks squished, but happy. I glance at Holly. She’s taking it in too, a smile wide across her face.

“So. Kids. We have some news,” Mom starts.

Holly nudges me.

“As you know, Julio has been living with us for a couple months. We love him dearly, as you can imagine.”

Holly gives Julio a big smile and a wink.

“So even though Robert and I are old,”—she pauses to smile at him when he smacks her playfully—“we have moved through the red tape and have finalized plans to adopt Julio. Congratulations, kids. You have a new little brother.”

The reactions are predictable, at least.

Addie jumps up and squeals.

Holly runs over to Julio and envelops him in another hug.

Josie smiles politely, but it looks like a real smile as Chris squeezes her tighter.

I wait for Holly to release Julio before I step over to him. I squat down, bringing my large frame down so we’re face to face. “Welcome to the family, man. Hug or high five?”

Julio’s eyes widen at being given a choice. He looks to Robert, who just gives him a smile and a slight nod.

“High five,” Julio says quietly.

I hold up my hand and wait for him to plant his fist against it, which he does with surprising force for a little kid. I give him a smile before I retreat to my seat.

As the noise dies down—mostly Addie’s noise, as usual—I clear my throat.

“I, uh, have some news, too,” I say. Fuck, is this how Mom and Robert felt a few minutes ago? Completely on the spot?

I clear my throat again. “So. Holly and I are…”

Addison claps her hands and lets out a tiny squeal.

I scowl at her. “Jesus, woman. Let me finish.”

She holds her hands up in mock surrender.

“As I was saying. Holly and I are moving in together.” I wait for their reaction.

Addie looks at Josie. Mom looks at Robert. None of them appear the least bit surprised. They seem confused actually, like this is old news to them.

The only one looking at me is Julio, who looks pretty damn judgmental for an eight-year-old. I watch as he tugs on Robert’s sleeve and whispers something in his ear.